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Ryan sat watching from the corner. Not in a creepy way, well he hoped it wasn't creepy. He just liked to observe.

He watched the couple passing each other love notes. The class idiot was struggling to keep his eyes open. The teacher was on her computer, not caring about her unengaged class. On the other side of the room, he noticed how the boy who always had on a smile was staring out the window.

Again, Ryan didn't mean to be creepy, but he just so happened to watch Brendon Urie a little more than he did everyone else. It wasn't necessarily his fault. The boy was very loud, always laughing at something. The boy was a walking siren.

Sure he could've tuned him out like almost everyone else did, but who would want to miss that sweet laugh and his shining smile or how he'd throw his head back when he laughed so his hair bounced at the movement. Brendon Urie was literally a walking sun and Ryan couldn't help watching something so beautiful.

Ryan watched in every class he shared with the boy and wondered about how much louder he was at lunch while Ryan sat alone in the library. Sometimes, Ryan caught himself contagiously smiling even though he didn't hear Brendon's joke.

Ryan noticed. He always did. So, when the boy came to school one day and kept his lips trained in a tight line, he got worried.

Ryan paid less attention in class and waited for the sun to shine. He was hopeful when one of Brendon's friends nudged him and whispered what he assumed was a joke.

The corner of Brendon's lip curled up and his body gave a small jerk as he chuckled but his lips stay sealed. Ryan shook his own head. That wasn't what was supposed to happen.

Brendon should've let out his laugh and potentially get yelled at by the teacher for disrupting the class. Brendon's hand came on and cupped over his mouth. He never did that. Why was he doing that?

Ryan was ready to march over and yank the boy's hand away and demand to hear his sun laugh. That might've been crossing over the line between observing and being creepy though.

"Mr. Ross." Ryan snapped his head forward as the students turned to him. The teacher had her arms cross as she stared at him. He felt his face heat up under the gaze of everyone. "Care to share what's so important you can't pay attention?"

Ryan glanced over at Brendon who has his head tilted curiously to the side. He dropped his head quickly when he made eye contact for a moment.

"No ma'am."

"Then I suggest you keep your eyes forward and participate." Ryan nodded and grabbed his pencil, scribbling random notes as the teacher continued with class.

Ryan couldn't help looking over at Brendon, making sure he didn't keep his eyes there for too long. His heart constricted when he saw Brendon looking back at him one time.

When the bell rang, Ryan stuffed his things in his bag before rushing out the door. He decided to skip the rest of his classes and work on homework in the library. The librarian didn't mind as long as he was quiet, which Ryan never really made a sound anyway.

With his nose shoved in a book, he couldn't get his mind off the boy and why he kept looking over at Ryan. He never did that. Ryan would've seen him do it.

The next day, Ryan tried keeping eyes on the teacher, but he heard it. Well, close to it. He looked over and saw Brendon with his hand over his mouth, not pressed hard enough to quiet the soft giggle. It was just there hiding his beautiful smile.

Ryan looked down at his notes. Throughout the class, he heard Brendon laughing. It was softer than normal and his hand always came over his mouth.

Throughout the week, Ryan noticed how Brendon's new laughing habits and found himself missing the old laugh. Brendon didn't keep his head up as much anymore. He more talked to his feet during a conversation now, that was when he talked. He wasn't as chatty which Ryan was sure the teachers appreciated.

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