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Welcome! One thing Liam booker is actual Gregg Sulkin but we're just calling him Liam booker because that's his school name nobody knows he's actually called Gregg Sulkin


Camila walks along the hallway until she gets pulled to the side by her boyfriend Liam Booker. "Hi to you too," She jokes.

"Sorry," He says with his irresistible smile. "Coach booted me up to Captain."

"What happened to Bruce?" Camila asks.

"Moved schools," Liam says.

"Well," Camila rests her hands on her boyfriend's chest. "Let's celebrate."

"I like it," Liam says. "How about you? Still head of the Rattlers?"

"Of course!" Camila smiles.

"I have to head to class okay, see you, babe," Liam says and kisses Camila on the lips.

"Wow Liam Booker still can't believe you made him fall for you," Normani says.

"Typical high school love story. The cheerleader with the football player," Camila says. She grabs her textbooks that fell when she got pulled and smiles at her friend. "Where's Dinah you guys are usually attached by the hip?"

"Remember when we egged our teacher's house?" Normani asks.

"Don't tell me she got grounded?" Camila tries not to laugh.

"Yes and to prevent her from doing something bad again her parents decided not to let her go to school until they talk to us," Normani says making Camila laugh. "Her parents love us so they might take it easy, " Normani says.

"Okay so, should we skip the first two classes and go get some coffee?" Camila asks.

"Ugh, what about the notes?" Normani scoffs.

Camila looks around and sees two nerds walk by. "Hey, you two," Camila says.

They turn around hearing her voice.

"Can you get us the notes to Ms. Garcia and Mr. Carson?" Camila asks.

"I don't have them at all," The short one says.

"I..i have you two for these classes," The raven-haired one tells the two cheerleaders.

"Can you give me them and I'll repay you," Camila says.

" what?" The raven-haired girl stutters.

"What everyone in this school wishes they had," Camila says. Camila hands Normani her bag and cups the raven-haired girl's cheek. She presses her lips on hers and chuckles when the girl blushes.

Camila pulls away and Normani hands Camila her bag, the two cheerleaders leaving.


Lauren and Ally start walking again after the incident with the cheerleaders. Lauren brings two fingers up to her lips.

"Are you okay Lo?" Ally asks.

"Yeah," Lauren says pushing her glasses up. "Let's get to class."

The two girls depart and Lauren enters Ms. Garcia's class. "Morning Ms. Jauregui!" Ms. Garcia says happily.

"Morning Ms. Garcia," Lauren says shyly. Lauren sits down in her normal seat, alone. Lauren doesn't really have any friends. Her only friend is Ally, other people just talk to her to get the answers to the homework or schoolwork.

Ms. Garcia starts the notes and Lauren starting it as well as color-coded everything.

"Just invite her," She hears.

"She's a nerd she doesn't go to parties babe," Lauren hears the other male voice.

Lauren knows who they are. The amazing gay couple Harry and Louis. Lauren sees from the corner of her eye a boy with curly hair sitting next to her.

"Hey uh Lauren someone over there was wondering if you would like to come to a party with us," He says.

"Thank you, Harry, but I don't go to these things," Lauren says pushing her glasses up.

"Hey I know you barely have friends but this is your chance to make some you won't be alone you'll be with me and Louis," Harry says.

"What about Ally?" Lauren asks.

"Her boyfriend is in the football team this year so that means she's going," Harry says.

"Parties really aren't my scene," Lauren mumbles but the boy hears it.

"Just think about it here's my number so you can text me if you change your mind," Harry smiles warmly and stands up, leaving.


Lauren sits down at her table waiting for Ally and Troy to arrive. She sees two figures sit down in front of her and she looks up seeing the adorable couple.

"Hi, Lo!" Ally smiles.

"Hi Lauren," Troy shakes her hand.

"Hi, guys!" Lauren smiles.

"So you probably heard already!" Ally giggles.

"Troy made it to the football team yes I heard congrats, Troy, " Lauren smiles at the brown-eyed boy.

"Thank you, Lauren," Troy smiles. "So are you coming to the party tonight? Liam Booker was promoted to captain and we're celebrating," Troy says.

"I was already invited by Harry and Louis. I haven't decided yet," Lauren says.

"Yo Troy bring yourself and your girl over here!" She hears Liam Booker say.

"Be right over G," Troy says, "Come on babe."

Ally stands up with her boyfriend and smiles down at her best friend. "Please say you'll come, " Ally whispers, comfortably squeezing Lauren's arm and leaves with Troy.

"Hi nerd," She hears a short while after. Lauren knows that voice. She doesn't even have to respond to know what Camila came here for.

Lauren takes out her notes and kindly hands them to Camila.

"Thank you," Camila says and smiles, "I'll return them tomorrow." She leaves to go sit with her boyfriend and the rest of the cheerleaders and football players.

"Left alone huh," She hears Harry's voice.

"It's okay," Lauren murmurs.

"Have you thought about my offer?" Harry smiles and Lauren looks behind her.

Her eyes land on Ally and she looks back at Harry. "Okay I'll go, " She says.

"Perfect me and Harry will come by your house, " Louis sits down next to his boyfriend.

Lauren nods and smiles at the couple.

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