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1 week later...

Camila closes her locker and sighs. She's going to Ms. Garcia's class. Her first class and guess who's in there... Lauren.

Lauren has been ignoring Camila, of course, it wasn't hard since they aren't the exact same status at school. But Camila wants to talk to her so bad it's killing her from the inside, out.

Camila enters her class this time without Mani. She sits down and sees Lauren a few seats in front of her. Mani comes in with swollen lips and Camila laughs.

"Intense make-out session with Dinah?" Camila asks.

"You know it!" Normani says.

Camila shakes her head with a smile and Ms. Garcia walks in. The class runs smoothly and in the middle of the notes, Ms. Garcia stops.

"So we only have a few more minutes and I wanted to tell you guys that we have a project coming up." She grabs packets and hands it to the class. "It will be a project of the solar system," Ms. Garcia explains.

"Ms. Garcia, can we pick our partner?" Normani asks.

"No Normani, I picked them out. I realized that you all are very separated so I conjoined two different kinds of people together to show you all are the same, " Ms. Garcia explains.

She gets to her desk after passing out all the packets and picks up a piece of paper. She calls out partners... "Normani and Edwin.."

"Ugh," Normani groans beside Camila.

"What's so bad about him?" Camila laughs.

"He's such a perv I know it! Dinah isn't gonna be happy about this, " Normani groans and stands up to sit next to Edwin.

Camila smiles when she sees that Edwin is sorta a perv. She caught him looking at her ass last year so.

"Camila and Lauren.." Ms. Garcia calls out.

Camila sits up shocked. Did she just heard that she's partners with Lauren?

"Camila?" Ms. Garcia calls out to her.

Camila snaps out of it, "Yeah?"

"Sit next to Lauren," Ms. Garcia says.

Camila stands up and grabs her things. The students whisper to each other and giggle. Everyone knows that these two kissed in Liam's party a week ago.

She sits down next to Lauren and sees that her head is down. The bell rings and the students get up.

"We will finish the notes, tomorrow sweethearts!" Ms. Garcia smiles at all of the students.

Camila sees Lauren stand up and leaves the classroom. Camila quickly picks up her things and goes after her.

"Hey, Lauren!" She calls out and ends up catching up to her.

Lauren takes a deep breath and turns around to face Camila. "Meet me in the park, here's my number," Lauren says handing Camila a small piece of paper.

Camila takes it and nods. "What time?" She asks.

"5 o'clock don't be late," Lauren says and walks away.

"I won't..." Camila murmurs to herself.


Lauren goes into the school restroom and sighs. She takes her glasses off smiling at her reflection. Of course, she loves that Ms. Garcia put her with Camila but she doesn't want anything to happen between them at all.

She hears the door to the bathroom open and puts her glasses on. She leaves the restroom and sighs.

"Let's see how this goes," Lauren mumbles to herself.

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