New Feelings

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The girls have been working on the project for hours and it's night time. Lauren yawns and lays back on her bed. Luckily, tomorrow it's a student break so they don't have school.

Lauren's grandmother comes in with a bright smile. "I'll be heading to bed my sweets, buenas noches!" She says.

Lauren's grandmother comes in and kisses Camila on the forehead. She walks over to Lauren and kisses her cheek.

"Hope you both sleep well tonight," Lauren's grandmother says.

She leaves and Lauren sits up. "Come over here," Lauren says.

Camila walks over and before she could sit down Lauren stretches her neck and presses her lips with Camila's. Camila hums in happiness, kissing her back immediately.

Lauren pulls Camila down on top of her on the bed. Camila runs her hand down Lauren's leg but gently to not scare the girl. Camila grinds down onto Lauren and she giggles.

Camila smiles kissing along her neck. She hides her face in the crook of Lauren's neck and Lauren wraps around Camila.

"Are you gonna stay the night?" Lauren asks hopefully.

Camila flips them around and pulls Lauren closer. "Do you want me to stay?" Camila asks.

"Yeah..." Lauren murmurs.

"Than I guess I'll stay, " Camila whispers, rubbing circles on the girls back.

Lauren stands up and turns off the lamp on her desk. She goes back to her bed and cuddles up with Camila.

Camila holds the girl close, sighing with relief. She's obviously feeling new things for the green-eyed girl. But the thing is, their status at school doesn't add up.

"Camila..." Lauren whispers.

"Yeah?" Camila asks.

"I want to know if you and Liam actually feel things for each other," Lauren whispers.

"Why?" Camila asks, hopefully.

Lauren traces circles on Camila's arm and sighs. She debates in her head if she should tell Camila or not what she's feeling. "Because I'm starting to develop things for you," Lauren whispers.

Camila bites her lip, thankfully it's dark or the other girl will see the mad blush on her cheeks. Once she realizes she stayed quiet Camila sits up with Lauren in her arms.

Camila lifts Lauren's chin up and smiles brightly seeing her beautiful eyes light her up. "Thank you for telling me Lauren," Camila whispers.

"I'm guessing you don't feel the same," Lauren rests her head on Camila's chest.

"Lauren I don't know what I'm feeling but all I know is that you make me feel the most amazing things," Camila whispers.

Lauren looks up at Camila. She could barely get a glimpse of Camila's face. "I'll help you figure it out," Lauren whispers.

She pressed her lips on Camila's making Camila smile brightly like always. The girls kiss for a while and once they are done Camila rests their foreheads together.

"You are so beautiful," Camila whispers. "The most beautiful girl I have ever seen," She presses her lips with Lauren's.

"Probably because I don't have my glasses on," Lauren whispers after pulling away from Camila.

Camila stands up and grabs Lauren's glasses. She walks back over to Lauren and she sits up. Camila tucks a strand of hair behind Lauren's ear and cups her cheek.

"With or without your glasses you have the most beautiful features ever and... Body," Camila whispers.

She puts Lauren's glasses on and smiles. Camila leans over and presses her lips with Lauren's. This time this one is a little more heated.

Lauren bites on Camila's lower lip making the other girl moan lowly. Camila starts kissing along Lauren's jaw, making Lauren giggle at the ticklish feeling.

Camila smiles, taking Lauren's glasses back off. She sets them on the nightstand and both girls cuddle up with each other again.

"Good night Camila," Lauren whispers.

Camila kisses Lauren's forehead and smiles, "Goodnight beautiful."

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