Jauregui Household

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Lauren closes her locker and smiles leaning against it. Yesterday at the park with Camila was amazing. School already ended and she agreed with Camila to meet her at her house.

Nerve-wracking I know. Lauren never thought this will happen. Having the popular cheerleader at her house. She doesn't know if Camila is wealthy or not but if she had to take a wild guess she will say Camila is.

A group of cheerleaders walked past her and it so happened to be Camila's friends along with the brunette herself.

"Hey, loser!" One of the cheerleaders said causing the others to laugh.

"Knock it off," Camila warned the rest and walked over to Lauren.

The cheerleaders seemed offended and started talking about the two Latina girls.

"Thank you," Lauren thanked the smaller girl once she arrived in front of Lauren.

"Anytime, " Camila smiled, "I was about to go look for you."

Lauren smiles, "You found me."

"I sure did," Camila smiles. Camila reaches over and grabs Lauren's bag. "I'll carry this," She nods, smiling brightly at the green-eyed girl.

"Thank you!" Lauren smiles, kissing Camila on the cheek.

They both walk out to Camila's car since she told Ally and Troy that they could leave without her. She didn't really give them an exact reason why.

Camila opens the backseat of her car and puts the bags inside. She opens the door for Lauren, smiles, holding her hand out. Lauren takes it going inside.

Camila grabs the books, Lauren, was holding, into her own hands. She puts them on the floor of her back seat and goes to the driver's side.

Since both girls planned everything yesterday they are ready to start the actual project. After minutes of just given directions, Camila finally pulls up to Lauren's house.

"Neat house," Camila smiles.

"It's comfy that's why I love it," Lauren says.

"I'm not used to this type of house," Camila confirms the answer to Lauren's question she asked herself earlier.

Lauren grabs her stuff and Camila does too. Lauren takes her keys out and unlocks the front door. Once she steps inside her house she takes off her glasses and hangs them on her collar.

"Abuelita?" She calls out.

Camila raises her eyebrows in confusion but follows Lauren. Lauren walks into the living room to see her grandmother sowing. Lauren's grandmother smiles which melted Camila's heart.

She absolutely loves old people with her entire heart. Lauren puts her things down carefully next to the couch and goes to hug her grandmother.

She wraps her arms around her and Lauren's grandmother hugs her back. Once they pull away the older lady makes Camila's preference known.

"And you must be sweetheart?" Lauren's grandmother asks.

"I'm Camila, Lauren's project buddy," Camila smiles.

"What a beautiful project buddy you got Lo," Lauren's grandmother directs to Lauren.

Lauren's cheeks grow red and her face starts to heat up. She stands up, kissing her grandmothers cheek, and grabs her stuff.

"Vamos estar upstairs, abue doing the project, " Lauren smiles at her grandmother.

"I'll make some lemonade para que you stay hydrated my hermosa green eyes," Lauren's grandmother smiles.

She let's the two girls go upstairs and she smiles to herself. While with the girls, Lauren opens her bedroom door.

Camila's eyes widen upon taking in Lauren's room. It's painted a soft green. On one side it has a bookshelf probably with some good ass books in stock. Lauren has a desk were she probably spends hours working hard on her assignments. But as well on the wall, it has a painted on Stitch.

"This is adorable," Camila smiles. "Who painted it?"

Lauren rubs the back of her head nervously. "I did.. My mother loved the cute little creature," Lauren explained nervously.

Camila nodded not pushing anything any further which Lauren appreciated.

Camila sees the two guitars in their stands right next to Lauren's desk. "You play?" Camila asks fixing her snapback.

Lauren takes off her beanie running her hand through her hair. Camila pays attention to that move and smiles. "I do, the guitars we're my dads," Lauren gives Camila a sad smile

Camila puts a hand on Lauren's shoulder and rests their foreheads together. "Let's just get to work okay I don't want to push you," Camila whispers.

Lauren nods holding back tears and gets the supplies out.

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