Spin The Bottle

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"Okay!" Liam says sitting back down, a beer in his hand. "Someone drink all of this so we can use the bottle."

Nobody seems to budge and Camila grabs the bottle. She knows nerds like Lauren don't drink. So, if she can get her to drink, Lauren will get drunk and it will be easier to kiss her without a commotion.

Camila opens the bottle and stands up. "How about Lauren," She says outstretching the bottle.

Lauren takes it, her hands shaking.

Camila leans down her lips right on Lauren's ear. "Just drink it, " Camila murmurs into Lauren's ear.

Lauren brings the bottle up to her lips and chugs the drink down. Camila doesn't know if she should be amazed or completely turned on. Of course, the brunette herself has already had one too many drinks. 

Once Lauren is done she hands Camila the bottle.

"Nice job!" Liam says, grabbing the bottle his girlfriend handed to him. "Okay anyway, simple, bottle lands on two people they go to the closet or they don't it's their choice."

"Boring!!! But okay," Dinah says.

They do a couple of rounds and somehow most of the kisses were with Liam.

"Camila your turn baby," Liam says.

Camila grabs the bottle and takes a deep breath. She spins it, hoping for it to land on the person she wants. Camila and Liam have of course been picked a lot by other people.

But somehow when Lauren spins it, the bottle doesn't land on Camila. The bottle starts to slow down and once it stops, everyone gasps. Camila looks at the person it landed on and tries to hold back a smile.

"Okay!" Liam says. "Closet or no closet?" He asks.

Camila raises an eyebrow towards Lauren, asking for an answer.

"Closet," Lauren says standing up.

Camila stands up and fists bumps Dinah and Normani while Lauren looks back at Harry, Louis, Ally, and Troy.

Lauren opens the closet door and Camila touches her hip. Lauren jumps but lets Camila keep her hand there. Lauren's drunk, she could admit that one bottle hit her like a bitch but she also knows Camila is drunk and Liam is too.

Camila closes the door and everything turns dark.

"Wow okay I didn't think it was dark in here," Lauren declares.

Camila reaches out her hand trying to find Lauren's cheek. As if Lauren knew she grasps Camila's hand and gently places it on her cheek. 

Camila pulls Lauren nearer, making the older girl bite her lower lip. Camila tucks a strand of loose hair behind Lauren's ear and leans forward.

Lauren meets her halfway and she can feel their faces are inches away.

"You'll always be the nerd no matter how hot you look without your glasses," Camila whispers than connects their lips.

Lauren kisses Camila back immediately, pulling her lower lip. Camila breathes out the breath she was holding and wraps her arms around Lauren's waist.

Lauren cups Camila's face pressing up against her. They end up losing their balance for a little and almost fall. Camila was able to sustain their body weight though.

Lauren giggles drunkenly when the equipment made a huge commotion.

Camila smiles laughing along with Lauren. She finds Lauren's lips and kisses them again. Camila helps Lauren get back on her balance and smiles. The door opens and light is shone through.

"Ayyyy they did it!" Dinah cheers.

Everybody cheers and whistles. Camila looks at Lauren one more time and reaches her hand out to Lauren. The equipment all fell out and Camila doesn't want Lauren to trip on anything.

Lauren can see, her glasses aren't fake but she's wearing contacts. Lauren takes Camila's hand carefully getting out of the closet. She trips over a broomstick and falls on top of Camila.

Camila breaks her fall and groans once they crash on the floor. Camila's eyes lock with Lauren's gorgeous emerald eyes. She never got the time to look at them, especially how enchanting they are.

"Your..." Camila's mouth goes dry.

"My what?" Lauren whispers.

Camila clears her throat and with her eyes tells Lauren to get off. Camila stands up and looks at Liam.

Liam smiles at Camila and gives an understanding nod. Liam and Camila love each other, of course, but they understand the situation when it comes to these types of things.

Camila sits next to Liam and takes his hand in hers. Lauren sits with her friends and whispers in Harry's ear. Harry nods and stands up with Louis and Lauren.

"We have to go," Lauren says.

"See you!" Everybody says.

"Bye Lauren and nice glow up, " Liam says.

"Thank you, Liam," Lauren says shyly.

Camila stands up and bites her lower lip. "Can I walk you guys out?" Camila asks.

"Why?" Harry asks confused.

"I'm a host so I wanna say goodbye properly," Camila says.

The three teenagers agree, saying goodbye to Troy and Ally. Once the teenagers reach outside Camila clears her throat.

"Can I be alone with Lauren for a moment?" She says to the two boys.

"Of course," Harry answers for both of them. He touches Lauren's arm gently and takes Louis hand in his, walking to the car.

Lauren that was looking at the floor, looks up to be met with Camila's brown orbs already looking at her. "Why did you want to be left alone with me?" Lauren asks nervously.

"I wanted to tell you that you look so beautiful," Camila murmurs.

Lauren smiles, of course hearing it. Lauren bites her lower lip, "Thank you."

Camila reaches out for Lauren's hand, grasping it. "I also wanted to say sorry for what happened at school, I shouldn't have kissed you and much more ask you to give me the notes."

"It's okay, I'm used to it." Lauren smiles at Camila and interlocks their fingers. "I have to go," Lauren whispers.

"Bye," Camila smiles. She kisses Lauren's cheek and lets her go.

Lauren waves at Camila, giving her a light smile. Camila waves back and goes back inside the house.

Lauren let's out a breath of happiness and walks to the car.


Camila closes the door and lets out a happy sigh. She's drunk, yes, but in no way, she's ever going to forget this night.

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