Growing Closer

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Lauren wakes up that morning and yawns. She smiles feeling Camila's warm body under hers. She gets up hearing Beethoven playing and she knows who exactly that is.

Lauren gets up carefully and gets ready for the day. Once she's ready she goes downstairs and enters her living room seeing her grandmother.

"Morning Abue!" Lauren smiles brightly.

"My precious niña, good morning!" Lauren's grandmother smiles and kisses Lauren's cheek.

"I have to go, baby, the Elderly Home Care is having Bingo this morning and I'm sure gonna beat those other grandmas," Lauren's abuelita says.

"Of course Abue you got to beat their behinds," Lauren giggles and kisses her abuelita on the cheek.

"May Dios be with you hermosa," She says and kisses Lauren's soft hand. "I left breakfast for you and your friend, adios Lauren!" Her grandmother waves at the door.

Lauren smiles and waves back. She sits down and doesn't even mind the Beethoven playing in the background. After so many years of living with her grandmother, she grew on things.

She gets up and finds her grandmother's delicious breakfast set on the table. Of course, Lauren isn't going to start eating without Camila being here so she's going to wait for the girl to wake up.

While upstairs Camila gets woken up by the chirping of the happy birds that morning and the beautiful rays of sunshine. She feels Lauren's body isn't on top of her so she grows confused.

Thankfully Camila brought a pair of clothes and takes them out to change. She goes downstairs and chews on a piece of gum to at least help with her bad breath.

"Morning!" She hears the familiar raspy voice.

"Morning Lauren," Camila smiles.

"You hungry?" She asks.

"Starving actually," Camila smiles making the older girl giggle.

"Come on my abue left us breakfast," Lauren smiles.

"And speaking of your abuelita, where is she?" Camila asks.

"Elderly Home Care they are having Bingo this morning so she went," Lauren smiles.

"I adore elderly people," Camila smiles and sits down.

"I do too," Lauren bites her lower lip.

Camila hears the faint Beethoven and smiles. "Beethoven huh? I didn't dig you as that type of girl," Camila said.

"Living with your grandmother for so long you start to grow on things," Lauren takes a bite of her food.

"Well personal opinion it's a great thing to grow up on, no wonder you're the smartest girl I have ever met and the most beautiful," Camila smiles sweetly.

"You know I never thought you'll be this sweet, I always thought you'll be rude like all the other popular kids," Lauren says.

"I like my position at the school but I don't like those types of popular kids either," Camila smiles.

"Really?" Lauren asks.

"Yeah I hate them," Camila smiles.

Lauren nods and both girls continue eating. Once done they are done they spent time watching TV and finally Lauren's grandmother came back but very tired so she went upstairs to rest.

Camila leans back and sighs. "Do you want to go out somewhere?" Camila asks.

Lauren looks over and smiles. "Yeah, sure where?" Lauren asks.

"I don't know, froyo?" Camila asks.

"I'm down!" Lauren chirps.

They get into Camila's car and soon arrive at the frozen yogurt shop. Both girls enter the frozen yogurt shop and grab cups. They serve their froyo's and take it to the front counter.

Lauren searches for her money but groans not finding it.

"What's wrong?" Camila asks.

"I forgot my money," Lauren whines.

Camila smiles and cups Lauren's chin. "I got you beautiful it's okay," Camila says and hands the lady her credit card.

"Thank you, Camila!"

"Anything to pay for a beautiful girls froyo!" Camila smiles and takes her credit card back. She thanks the lady and both girls take their cups and sit down.

They talk about anything and everything a teenage girl will talk about and learn more about each other. Once they are done the sun is already setting and Camila takes Lauren home.

She parks on the curb and smiles.

"You're not coming in?" Lauren asks.

"I should get home Lauren but thank you," Camila smiles.

"And you're backpack?" Lauren asks.

"I'll come by tomorrow for when we work on the project," Camila smiles.

"Makes sense, bye Camila!" Lauren kisses her cheek and opens the door.

Once Lauren is safely inside her house, Camila's hand goes up to her cheek making the brunette smile like an idiot.

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