Peaceful Atmosphere

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Camila parks her car and gets out. The park isn't full, the wind is perfect, the sun is glamorous. Camila walks over to a bench where she sees a girl sitting down. 

Lauren smiles reading To kill a mocking bird. She loves reading at the park especially at these hours since it's quiet and peaceful. 

"Hi," She hears the all to familiar voice.

"Hi Camila," Lauren smiles.

"What are you reading?" Camila asks sitting down next to Lauren on the bench.

"To kill a mockingbird," Lauren looks at Camila.

"Sweet book! One of my favorites," Camila smiles.

"You read huh?" Lauren asks.

"I'm a cheerleader I'm not dumb and believe it or not I'm a nerd myself," Camila says with a sly smile.

"Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it," Lauren shoves her shoulder playfully making both girls giggle.

"So are we going to get to work or?" Camila teases.

"Right." Lauren pulls out utensils to plan out how they are gonna do the project.

Both girls work on the project for God knows how long. Camila eyes Lauren's features as she's explaining all about the moon.

"You really like the moon huh?" Camila asks.

"I actually love the sun," Lauren states. "How about you?" Lauren asks Camila.

"I love the moon," Camila smiles.

Lauren looks up at the moon and smiles. "Moons out..." She trails off.

"She's beautiful like always," Camila looks up and smiles. She looks back down and sighs. "I love looking at her. You know, if the moon was a person do you want to know who she will be?"

"Who?" Lauren asks.

Camila looks into Lauren's eyes and reaches up. She carefully takes off her glasses and smiles. Camila cups Lauren's cheek and sighs, "She will be you."

Lauren takes Camila's hand off her cheek and smiles. "Camila, thank you, you're so sweet but I don't think Liam will like this."

Camila bites her lower lip and looks down. "Can I be honest with you?" Camila murmurs.

"Of course," Lauren whispers.

"Liam is amazing but I don't think I really feel things for him," Camila let's out.

"Then why are you dating him?" Lauren asks.

"Because we feel like we should be together, head football player and soccer player and head cheerleader." Camila stands up and sits down on the grass. She lays down, looking up at the moon.

Lauren moves to sit next to her and lays down. "What do you want?" Lauren asks.

"I never dated a girl. I'm bisexual of course but never got the chance to date a girl," Camila says.

"You felt like you were supposed to date the football players," Lauren says.

"Yeah," Camila whispers. "I talk to the moon because she's the only one that listens to my problems."

Lauren sits up and looks down at Camila. "I'm here to listen to your problems," Lauren whispers.

Lauren leans down and connects her lips with Camila's. Camila kisses back immediately but passionately so she doesn't scare Lauren. Lauren moves to lay down on top of Camila.

Camila cups Lauren's face their lips smacking hard against each other. Once both girls are breathless they pull away.

Camila's thumb caresses Lauren's lower lip and pulls at it. Lauren smiles and kisses Camila once again.

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