Near The End

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It's only 3 weeks left for graduation so Camila, the girls and Troy are out getting outfits, well not Normani she's just there because she loves a good shopping spree with the girlies and Troy because he is fucking awesome to hang out with.

Lauren found a short orange skirt along with a orange crop top with spaghetti straps. She turns to her girlfriend and Camila puckers her lips.

"Don't judge before you even see it on me," Lauren smiles.

"I know but orange is an ugly color," Camila says.

"I agree too," Dinah agrees with the cheerleader.

Lauren looks at Ally and they both smirk at each other. "Come Ally help me," Lauren says.

"Alright I'll be back baby," Ally kissed Troy on the jaw due to height differences.

Minutes later, Lauren fixes her hair as Ally pats down her outfit.

"Dang you look hot bestie," Ally smiles.

"Thanks Allz," Lauren smiles at her through the mirror.

"No problem just one thing," Ally says.

She turns Lauren around to face her and takes off her glasses.

"There!" Ally smiles.

Lauren runs her hair through her wavy raven hair and smiles. "Their jaws are gonna be on the floor come on," Lauren smiles opening the dressing room door.

When hearing the dressing room door open, everyone turns to look at the two Latinas who just came out.

Camila's jaw dropped along with her phone.

"Jesus Christ now that's a hot nerd right there," Dinah says.

Lauren walks over to Camila and runs her hand down her chest. "What do you think?" Lauren raises her eyebrow.

"I..i..i..." Camila stutters.

Lauren cups Camila's chin and presses their lips together. Camila kisses the older girl back, moaning when Lauren sucks on her lower lip.

Camila pulls away with a pop from her lower lip that was in between Lauren's lips.

"So you were saying?" Lauren teases.

"I think orange might be my new favorite color," Camila licks her lips, eyeing Lauren's body up and down.

Lauren laughs, shaking her head, pushing her girlfriend away. "So should I buy it?" Lauren asks looking at everybody else.

"Definitely!" They all agree.

Lauren looks at her girlfriend and kisses her cheek. "I'll make sure you have the pleasure of taking it off for me," Lauren whispers in Camila's ear.

She grabs Camila by the arm and drags her to the fitting room. She locks the door and pins Camila against the wall.

"Wow, now I have never been so turned on," Camila whispers.

Lauren doesn't answer but just turns to the mirror. She starts by taking off the crop top, making sure to do it slowly.

Camila sits down on the small couch there, loving the view in front of her. Once Lauren is only in her undergarments, Camila stands up, hugging Lauren by the waist.

"I know what you're doing." Camila's hands travel down Lauren's body.

Both girls look at each other in the mirror.

"You have such a beautiful body," Camila whispers in Lauren's ear.

"I can't believe graduation is here," Lauren whispers.

Camila kisses Lauren on the shoulder, smiling.

"I can't wait to see you walk that stage, winning all those academic awards," Camila smiles brightly.

"You will too," Lauren says.

"Maybe I will, maybe not."

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