Its Not A Fuck, Its Making Love

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Camila opens the front door and Lauren steps in. "Hi," Camila smiles.

Lauren leans down, kissing Camila deeply. Camila pulls Lauren close to her, pinning her against the door. Lauren let's out a moan and picks up the smaller girl in her arms. She lays them down on the couch and Camila switches them around so she's on top.

Lauren stops her and looks into Camila's eyes. "I'm scared," Lauren whispers.

Camila smiled obviously knowing that every virgin goes through this. Camila gets up and helps Lauren up. She takes her to her bedroom and opens the door.

Lauren's eyes scan Camila's bed, turning to look at her. "What is this?" Lauren asks.

"To let you know that this isn't a fuck, I'm making you love for the first time," Camila whispers.

"You're perfect," Lauren whispers.

Camila smiles and kisses Lauren. She backs them up as they fall down on the bed. Camila kisses down Lauren's neck making the green-eyed girl moan. She looks at the candles and pressed herself against Camila.

Camila sits up and lifts the bottom of Lauren's shirt. She kisses her fairly fit abdomen and takes off the clothing. Lauren takes off Camila's shirt actually taking in her body.

Camila smiles, feeling Lauren's eyes scan every inch of her body. She leans down, pressing their lips together. Camila's hand unbuttons Lauren's denim shorts and pulls them down.

"Do you want me to use my fingers or a strap on?" Camila asks.

"Strap on?" Lauren asks confusingly.

Camila gets up and goes to her closet. From the top of the closet, she pulls out a black box. Camila walks back over to Lauren and takes off the lid. Camila's fingers pick up the strap on and she hands it to Lauren.

Lauren's fingers innocently run along the shaft part, wrapping her hand around it. Camila sits down in front of the so innocent girl and smiles.

"So?" She asks.

"Use this," Lauren points at it.

Camila nods and takes the sex item back. Lauren lays back down and Camila takes her panties off. Camila takes her lower garments off and puts the strap around her waist.

She adjusted the shaft to her center and looks at Lauren. The brunette leans down, kissing along Lauren's thighs. She spreads her legs so her wet folds can spread wide. Camila lays down on top of Lauren's body, their bodies fitting perfectly.

Camila tucks a strand of Lauren's hair behind her ear and kisses her lips deeply. "Don't be scared," Camila whispers.

Lauren nods and Camila slowly enters the plastic shaft inside Lauren's wide entrance. Lauren's death grips around Camila's neck and holds her breath in.

Camila starts moving slowly and Lauren loosens up. Camila smiles when Lauren's legs wrap around her torso. Camila starts picking up her pace and ends up pounding into her.

Lauren lets out a series of moans and swears words as Camila keeps working her magic. Minutes later, Lauren already came but Camila doesn't want to stop there.

"Do you want to keep going or not?" Camila asks.

Lauren doesn't answer but just wraps her arms around Camila. Camila lays her head down on Lauren's chest, feeling the plastic shaft resting on the older girls' center.

Lauren smiles sweetly and closes her eyes, falling asleep.

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