Movie Theater

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Camila finally arrives at Lauren's house. She gets out and closes her car door, walking up to the front door. Camila knocks lightly and waits for someone to answer the door.

The door opens and Lauren smiles. "Hi!" She says.

"Hi Lauren, can I come in?" Camila asks.

"Of course you can!" Lauren chirps and steps aside.

Camila steps inside and smiles at Lauren. Lauren closes the door and kisses Camila's cheek. She walks inside the living room and Camila follows.

Camila smiles at Lauren's grandmother and sits on the couch. "I know we were supposed to work on the project but I actually have something different," Camila speaks.

"And what is that?" Lauren asks, writing down on her homework and looks up.

"I want to take you to the movies," Camila smiles.

Lauren looks over at her grandmother and she gives her a bright smile. "Go mija I'll be okay," She says.

"You don't wanna come abue?" Lauren frowns.

"No baby I'm good just go hermosa," Lauren's abuelita says.

Lauren stands up and kisses her grandmother's forehead. "Te amo!" She says.

"I love you too mi hermosa princesa," Lauren's grandmother kisses Lauren's cheek and smiles at Camila.

Camila lets Lauren pass, "I'll bring her back safe."

"I know you will mijita!" Lauren's abuelita smiles and Camila closes the door.

They walk to Camila's car and Camila opens the door for Lauren. She helps Lauren in and right before she could close the door, Lauren stops her.

"What's up?" Camila asks raising an eyebrow.

Lauren leans forwards and kisses Camila on the lips. Camila groans and kisses Lauren back. Lauren bites Camila's lower lip and releasing it with a pop.

Lauren wraps her legs around Camila's torso and Camila's hand goes up to her hair.  Lauren pulls away and Camila kisses her neck. Lauren hums in pleasure and moves her neck to give Camila space.

Camila pulls away and smiles. "Now do you want to go to the movies or spent a great time in the back seat of my car?" Camila asks.

"Probably both," Lauren whispers.

Camila shakes her head and chuckles. She closes the door after Lauren settled back in and she gets inside.

The girls finally arrive and they walk inside. Camila buys the tickets and snacks as they start walking to their designated room.

Once they enter they take their seats and the lights turn down low. The big-screen turns on and the movie starts. Lauren lifts up the armrest in between her and Camila and she scoots over.

Lauren rests her head on Camila's chest and Camila smiles. She puts her drink down and wraps the green-eyed girl in her arms.

Lauren was about to close her eyes since she's falling asleep but feels Camila's wet lips on hers, wake her up.

Lauren kisses her back and Camila pulls away. "Don't fall, asleep baby," Camila whispers.

"If you tell me too then I won't," Lauren brings her hand up to Camila's jaw, caressing it.

Camila smiles and directs her attention back to the movie. It's hard for Lauren to not close her eyes because she was up all night writing down on her journal. She wouldn't technically call it a diary because she barely writes down on it.

The only time she does write down on it is when her feelings get too much that she needs to write them down.

Before Lauren knows it the movie is already finished. Lauren looks over to see that Camila herself fell asleep. Lauren giggles and kisses Camila's jaw.

"Camila..." She whispers. The girl doesn't wake up so Lauren brings her hand up and presses her palm against Camila's center.

Camila forms a smile and Lauren giggles.

"Wake up come on we have to go," Lauren whispers.

Camila stretches and yawns. She sits up and looks around seeing the empty theater room.

She gets up and Lauren does too. They walk out into the cold night air and Lauren shivers, cussing herself for leaving her bomber jacket in the car. Camila stops them in the middle of the parking lot and wraps Lauren around her warm body.

"Let's get you to the car," Camila whispers, rubbing Lauren's arms.

"Great idea," Lauren agrees.

They finally end up in front of Camila's car and she unlocks it. Lauren gets in and Camila does too. She starts her car and turns the heater on but it doesn't work.

"What the fuck?" Camila whispers, very confused. She looks over at the shivering girl next to her and frowns.

"It doesn't work huh?" Lauren quivers.

Camila frowns and shakes her head. Lauren lets out a grunt and Camila starts driving to Lauren's house. Throughout the drive, Camila tries to transmit as much heat to Lauren by keeping her warm hand on her thigh.

Once they get there Lauren checks her pockets to see that she forgot her keys. "Fuck!" She groans.

"What?" Camila asks.

"I forgot my keys inside and my abuelita isn't home," Lauren says.

"Oh. You can stay at my house, " Camila suggests.

"I don't want to bother, " Lauren says.

"No it's fine, my parents usually have a date night," Camila says.

"Thank you, Camila!" Lauren smiles.

"Anything for you," Camila whispers.

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