Sweet Innocence

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Camila looks at the quivering girl and frowns. She's only a few minutes away from her house but pulls over. She parks on the curb and Lauren looks at her.

Camila looks over at the girl and debates on what to do. She says fuck it and takes her belt off. She reaches over and takes Lauren's belt off. Lauren raises an eyebrow in confusion and Camila motions for Lauren to come to her side.

Lauren bites her lower lip and crawls onto Camila's lap. She hides her face in Camila's neck and her hands go under her shirt.

Camila wraps the girl in her arms acting as a blanket for her. Camila kisses the girl's forehead and rests her chin on her head. Camila feels Lauren's cold hands move under her shirt, leaving goosebumps.

Camila shivers at the cold touch and she feels that her seat got pulled back. Lauren grinds down onto Camila and Camila bites her lower lip.

"What are you doing?" Camila asks nervously.

"Finding a way to get warm," Lauren whispers.

Camila bites her lower lip when Lauren starts kissing her neck. The Latina didn't even know Lauren had this trait in her.

Camila whines when she puts pressure on her neck and she pulls Lauren away. "Back seat," She whispers.

"We're just going to get you warm, okay?" Camila whispers once both girls are in the back seat.

"Okay," Lauren says.

Camila kisses down Lauren's neck and balls up her shirt, taking it off. "We can produce more heat with no barrier," Camila whispers.

Lauren pulls Camila up and she starts to rock her body with Lauren's. It starts with innocent rubbing but one thing leads to the other.

Camila takes in Lauren's naked body and sees that the girl is shaking but for a different reason. "Are you okay?" Camila asks worriedly.

"I... Uh.." Lauren stutters.

Camila nods understanding what the girl is trying to say. She makes Lauren sit up and brings the girl to her body. "It's okay Lauren," Camila whispers.

She kisses the side of her head and rubs the girls naked back. "Get dress beautiful and we can go to my house," Camila whispers.

Lauren nods and grabs her clothes. She starts changing and realizes she actually put on Camila's shirt. Camila looks over and smiles.

"Do you want it back?" Lauren says.

"Keep it," Camila smiles.

She goes in the front seat and Lauren follows. Camila starts the car back and soon they get to Camila's house.

They get out and Lauren looks over at the shirtless Camila. "You aren't cold?" Lauren asks.

"No," Camila says and opens the front door, "Coach made us run in the cold before." She closes the door once Lauren stepped inside.

Lauren looks around, it's a nice house but not to fancy. But it's clear that Camila has money. "Makes sense than," She smiles.

"Come," Camila smiles and Lauren follows her upstairs. Camila opens the door to her room and Lauren steps in.

"Nice room!" She smiles.

"Thanks!" Camila smiles brightly.

"Go get ready for bed in my restroom while I go shower in the guest one," Camila kisses the girls forehead and smiles.

Once both girls are ready for bed they lay under the covers, cuddled up. Camila turns off the bedside lamp and sighs.

Lauren snuggles more up to Camila and kisses her jaw. "Good night Camila," She whispers.

"Good night," Camila whispers.

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