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Camila closes her locker and holds the stem of the rose between her fingers. She walks over to Lauren and covers her eyes.

"Guess who?" She asks.

"Mhm let me see, I'm guessing Lauren Jauregui's girlfriend," Lauren guesses.

Camila puts her hand down and kisses Lauren on the cheek. Lauren turns around and takes the rose Camila is holding up. She can feel eyes on them so she starts getting nervous.

Camila sees her girlfriend start to get nervous so she frowns. Camila reaches up and takes Lauren's glasses off.

"Baby," Camila whispers, hanging Lauren's glasses on the hem of her shirt. She cups Lauren's face and plants a kiss on her cheek.

"Just pretend it's me and you," Camila whispers.

"Me and you?" Lauren whispers.

"Me and you baby," Camila pecks her lips.

"Okay," Lauren nods.

Camila smiles and locks their fingers together. "If anyone gives you trouble tell me," Camila caresses her cheek.

"You'll be here," Lauren whispers.

"I'll be here baby."


Camila sits down next to Lauren, kissing her cheek. "Hi guys," She greets Troy and Ally across the table.

"Hi!" Both respond.

Camila wraps an arm around Lauren's shoulders and presses their lips together. "You have your glasses off," Camila smiles.

"It's me and you only," Lauren repeats what the girl said earlier.

Camila smiles and sees two silhouettes over them. Camila looks up to see Dinah and Normani. "Hi guys," Camila smiles.

"What's up, can we sit here?" Dinah asks.

"Of course D," Camila smiles.

Both girls sit down and Dinah looks over at Lauren and Camila.

"So y'all together?" She asks.

"What does it look like," Camila raises an eyebrow.

Dinah smiles and lifts her hands in surrender. Camila smiles at the girl, turning to kiss Lauren on the lips. Lauren smiles, kissing the girl back. She cups her amazing jaw and Camila lets out a small moan.

Everybody eats their lunch and once school is done Lauren and Camila walk to the field, hand in hand.

"You know, today wasn't bad at all," Lauren speaks up.

"I told you!" Camila smiles, "Nobody caused you any trouble baby?"

"Thankfully no," Lauren smiles.

Camila stops them and wraps her arms around Lauren's neck. Lauren wraps her in her arms, kissing her deeply. Camila giggles hard and pulls away. Lauren sways them back and forth, loving this beautiful moment of theirs.

"Hey, baby how about you come to my house tonight?" Camila asks.

"I'll have to ask permission from my grandmother but I know she'll say yes," Lauren says.

"Than what's the point in asking?" Camila chuckles.

"It's so she doesn't get worried about me," Lauren smiles. Lauren kisses Camila on the cheek, swaying them again.

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