Everybody Judges

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What's up guys! In my message board, there will be a link to my trailer for a book that will come soon, hope you guys enjoy the trailer and this chapter


Camila takes out her workbook and closes her locker. She feels an arm wrap around her waist and she smiles.

"Morning baby," Lauren husks.

Camila takes Lauren's hand in hers and spins around so she's hugging Lauren from behind.

"Morning," Camila murmurs in Lauren's ear. She kisses Lauren's cheek and snuggles against her.

Camila pulls away from her and both girls start walking to class.

"Ew Camila, a fucking nerd really?" One of the football guys comments.

Camila pushes him hard against the lockers and keeps walking with Lauren. Lauren frowns but Camila interlocks her fingers with Lauren's. Camila brings their hands up and kisses the back of Lauren's hand.

"Don't listen to what he said," Camila whispers. She hugs Lauren, kissing her jaw since she's shorter than Lauren.

Once Camila reaches their class she lets the green-eyed girl in first. When they sit down more popular kids start commenting about them.

Camila just pulls Lauren close to her and Lauren rests her head on Camila's shoulder. All through class Lauren helped Camila with the work and helps her understand the work.

Once the class ends both Cubans exit the classroom. Camila and Lauren get another comment and the younger Latina's blood starts to boil.

Lauren squeezes their hands, "Take deep breathes baby."

Camila does what her girlfriend told her and she calms down. Once they arrive at their next class this time the students didn't say anything probably because most of the students here are stoners and very chill students so they don't really give a fuck, they just accept whatever happens.

"Why is everybody being a judge today?" Lauren asks her girlfriend when she's done with her work.

Camila looks up from the paperwork and taps her pencil against the desk. "I don't know baby," Camila says.

"Yo Cabello I know why," A stoner speaks up.

Camila turns around to the stoner dude and motions for him go keep going.

"Well everyone's hatin because they all shipped you with da soccer dude," He speaks slowly.

"Thanks dude I'll give you the good shi," Camila holds up a gang sign to him and he returns it.

Camila turns back to her girlfriend and frowns. Lauren cups her chin and plants a light kiss on Camila's lips.

"It's okay we'll just have to make them love us instead," Lauren whispers.

Camila laughs and rests their foreheads together. "It won't be hard baby," Camila whispers.

"Why?" Lauren asks.

"Because you're very lovable," Camila whispers.

Lauren kisses her again, smiling against her lips. Camila kisses her girlfriend back and pulls away.

"Come let's get to work," Lauren pulls away from her.

Camila groans causing her girlfriend to giggle.

"If you guys act this fucking cute in front of everyone y'all finna be loved," A stoner dude speaks up.

"Thanks, dude you deserve the good shit too," Camila says.

Lauren smiles, wraps her arm around her girlfriend's, snuggling her.

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