First Football Practice

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Although Liam is an American football player and also a football or soccer player. American football season ended so here comes the soccer season. Its also basketball season but for some reason, Liam doesn't play it.

Camila is getting ready for cheerleading practice while the boys are warming up.

Normani sits down next to Camila on the bleachers. "So..." She says.

"So what?" Camila looks up at her friend.

"Anything happened to you and that nerd after last nights party?" Normani asks.

"Nothing," Camila says and throws Normani her pom-poms.

"Sadly Dinah had to quit cheerleading," Normani frowns.

"She wanted to be an athlete," Camila laughs.

"Ugh but she looks mad fine," Normani bites her lower lip.

Camila chuckles and grabs her pom-poms. She hears fast footsteps coming towards her and Normani leaves. Camila turns around to be faced with her boyfriend.

"Ah, you scared me!" She giggles and Liam smiles.

"You're not going to give my good luck kiss?" Liam asks.

"It's not a game," Camila giggles.

"I know I'm just trying to find an excuse to kiss you, " Liam chuckles.

Camila goes on her tippy toes and plants a kiss on her boyfriend's lips.


"Nothing else happened between you two?" Ally points at Camila and Liam.

"Why would there?" Lauren asks.

"I don't know. How was the kiss? You haven't really talked about it," Ally points out.

Lauren pushes her glasses up and sighs. She looks over at Camila and bites her lower lip. "It doesn't matter Camila said I'll always be a nerd so..." Lauren trails off.

"Maybe you will. But you can also be sexy. I've seen it, don't think I haven't!" Ally giggles.

"I guess, but a girl like Camila won't date a girl like me. I don't even know if she's into girls," Lauren whispers.

"She kissed you," Ally states.

"She was drunk..." Lauren murmurs.

"I heard that when people are drunk they do what they cannot do when they are sober," Ally says.

"Why would Camila like me let alone kiss me?" Lauren says.

"The reason I say these things because she's literally staring at you," Ally says.

Lauren looks towards where the cheerleaders are and sees Camila staring up at her. Lauren squints her eyes due to the son and Camila smiles at her.

Lauren waves at her and smiles back.

"Go talk to her before she starts practicing," Ally says.

"Okay," Lauren stands up. Lauren descents the bleachers and walks over to Camila.

Camila dismisses her fellow cheerleaders upon seeing Lauren approaching.

"Hi," Lauren says.

"I was hoping you'll come down here," Camila smiles.

"Really?" Lauren asks in disbelief.

"I wanted a good luck from you at least," Camila chuckles.

"You don't need it but good luck, " Lauren touches Camila's arm comfortably and turns to leave.

"Wait, Lauren, here." Camila hands Lauren a little piece of paper.

Lauren takes it and smiles one more time at Camila. She finally leaves and Camila smiles.


"Let's go rattlesnakes!" The cheerleaders cheer on.

Liam slides tackles Austin and chuckles when Austin almost trips. Liam runs the ball to the other net and shoots. Liam makes it into the corner of the net and winks at Camila.

Camila blows him a kiss and focuses back on her practices.


Once practices are done, the field is practically empty.

"Are you going to come with me and Troy to Starbucks?" Ally fixes her bag on her shoulder.

"No, I'm fine I'll see you tomorrow Ally." Lauren hugs Ally goodbye and once she leaves Lauren goes around the back.

She looks around and sees no one so she opens the note from Camila.

-Meet me in the locker room the door will be unlocked

Lauren rips the note to little pieces and throws it away. She grabs her bag and starts heading to the locker room. Once she enters she hears that everything is a little quiet.

Lauren enters and closes the door behind her. "Didn't think you'll actually come," Lauren hears.

Camila comes out of her Bay Area and smiles at Lauren.

"Why did you wanna see me in here?" Lauren asks.

Camila walks over and locks the door with a key. Camila sets the keys back on the key holder for now. "Just wanted to see your beautiful face again," Camila whispers.

She carefully brings her hands up to Lauren's face. Camila cups her cheeks and slowly takes off her glasses. Lauren breathes heavily letting Camila take them off.

Camila sets them down on a bench and bites her lower lip. She carefully brings Lauren closer to her and cups her cheek.

Camila leans closer and was about to connect their lips but Lauren pulls away.

"What's wrong?" Camila asks.

"I'm sorry," Lauren whispers. She grabs her glasses and leaves.

Camila puts her hand down that cupped Lauren's cheek and she lets a sigh out...

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