Glamorous Body

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Camila opens the door to her house and someone immediately jumps on her.

"Hi!" Lauren chirps.

Camila picks her up, spinning her. She sets her down and hugs her. "Hi," She smiles.

Lauren pulls away and kisses Camila's lips. Camila pulls her by the waist as Lauren wraps her arms around her neck.

"Can we go to the beach?" Lauren asks when she pulls away.

Camila smiles, "If that's where you wish to go, then I'll take you there."

Lauren bites the inside of her cheek and smiles sweetly. "But let's stop by my house," Lauren smiles.

Camila pecks her lips, "Come on."


Camila parks her car and opens the door as the waves crash against the shore. Lauren gets out and motions for Camila to follow her. She leads her to the opposite side of the beach and Camila looks at her confused.

"Um, the beach is that way," Camila points out.

"Shhh," Lauren shushes her and moves aside a big leaf. "Come on this is a more private part of the beach," Lauren smiles.

Camila steps forward and moves the big leaf out of the way. "Wow, now this is beautiful," She smiles.

Lauren nods with a bright smile and sets down her things. Camila does the same and removes her clothes only leaving on her undergarments.

She lays her clothes down on her towel and looks over at Lauren. Her jaw drops and her throat goes dry once her eyes land on the girl.

She got Lauren naked, yes. But that was in the back seats of her car, at night, so she didn't get a good glance at her body until now.

Lauren stands up straight again and catches Camila looking at her. "My eyes are up here," She giggles.

Camila snaps back to reality and smiles. "Sorry," She clears her throat.

Lauren throws her an innocent smile and motions for Camila to get in the water with her. Both girls get in the water and Camila splashes, Lauren.

Lauren gasps and wipes the water off her face. She drowns Camila into the water, giggling. She soon feels herself get picked up by Camila's strong arms.

The girl spins them around in the water and drops both of them back inside the water. Both girls surface, their laughter filling the air.


Camila sits down and hands Lauren a bottle of soda. Lauren smiles taking it, keeping her body warm with the bonfire they made.

Camila motions for Lauren to come over and she does, cuddling up against her.

"I broke up with him," Camila speaks up, drawing on the sand.

Lauren looks up at her, "Why?"

"I told him I didn't know what I want, but," Camila trails off.

"You know what you want?" Lauren asks.

"I want you. I want us," Camila mumbles

Lauren sits up obviously hearing it. She locks eyes with the younger girl and smiles. "Just ask the question," Lauren whispers.

"I don't want you to think that..." Camila trails off.

"I'm not thinking anything Camila," Lauren cups her cheek. "And since you don't want to ask the question then just give you my answer, I will love to be your girlfriend."

Camila smiles brightly, "Really?"

"Yes, but-"

"But nothing, who cares what everybody in school will say, that doesn't matter to me, as long as I have you that's all that matters," Camila smiles.

Lauren holds back the urge to cry and smiles. "Okay then," She whispers.

Camila caresses her cheek and presses their lips in a sweet kiss. She pulls away and rests their foreheads together.

"You may be a nerd and I may be a cheerleader but I don't care about that," Camila whispers.

"Well then I shouldn't either baby," Lauren whispers, smiling brightly.

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