A Family Scar

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Lauren takes a bite of the twinkie that Camila was holding up. Camila laughs when some of the creams filling smudges over her lips. Camila grabs a napkin and dabs at Lauren's lips.

"There baby," Camila smiles.

Lauren pecks Camila's lips and smiles. "You're adorable," Lauren whispers.

"Now that's when your capin baby your fucking adorable as fuck," Camila whispers.

"Wow, people can't stop staring over here," Ally and Troy sit down in front of the two.

"Really?" Lauren asks.

"Yeah, it's like they are trying to see to approve of y'all or not," Troy smiles.

"Well we really don't care but if they do then," Camila says wrapping an arm around Lauren.

Lauren takes Camila's hand in hers, interlocking their fingers.

"Whoever is hatin on y'all just means their jealous," Troy explains.

"Agree!" They hear the Polynesian's voice.

"Dang you guys are fucking adorable," Normani says, sitting down next to her girlfriend.

"Thanks y'all but anyway graduation is coming up!" Camila says.

"Oh my God don't get me started! I already have my after party dress," Normani says.

"Luckily my parents let us do the party on their yacht," Troy smirks.

"It's gonna be lit as fuck," Camila says.

"I don't go to these types of things," Lauren speaks up.

Camila looks at her girlfriend and frowns. "What are you doing?" Camila asks.

"I don't know, nothing I guess," Lauren picks at her food.

"What about your grandmother Lauren?" Camila asks.

"We...we hate celebrating my graduations," Lauren murmurs.

Camila looks at Ally knowing that the shorter girl knows her girlfriend the best.

"Her parents never showed up to her graduation, it was always her grandmother," Ally explains to everyone.

Camila wraps an arm around her girlfriend. The green-eyed girl rests her head on Camila's chest, a tear falling.


Camila kisses Lauren's neck, making the older girl giggle. Camila lifts herself up and smiles down at her girlfriend.

"Where's your grandmother?" Camila asks.

"Sleeping," Lauren whispers.

Camila nods and bites her lower lip. "Lauren I don't want to push you but... Where're your parents?" Camila asks carefully.

Lauren sighs and slides from under Camila. She sits up, running a hand through her hair.

"My father was an alcoholic, he accidentally killed my mother because he beat her up horribly. After that, he got arrested and sent to rehab. So without my father being with me and my mother confirmed not alive, my grandmother was the only other family I had so she took me in without hesitation," Lauren explains.

"What about siblings?" Camila asks.

"My...my grandmother told me when my mother died she was having a baby, she was pregnant we never knew the gender so we never came up with a name for him or her," Lauren feels a tear.

"What would you name them?" Camila asks.

"My grandmother said that if it was a boy my mother would have named him Chris, if I had a baby sister my mother was gonna let me name her," Lauren whispers.

"What would be that lucky name?" Camila asks, taking Lauren's trembling hand in hers.

"Taylor..." Lauren's voice cracks.

Camila pulls Lauren close to her, hugging her close. "Where's your father now?" Camila asks.

"Jail... He got better after rehab but he has a life sentence... He writes to me but I never have the strength to write back... My mother taught me to never have revenge on anyone but... He killed her... I don't know what to do Camila..." Lauren starts crying hard.

Camila squeezes the crying girl in her arms. Camila really doesn't have anything to say, she didn't expect this. When she first entered Lauren's house and she called her grandmother, not her parents, Camila really was curious about where were her parents.

Once Lauren's crying dies down, Camila lifts her chin and plants a kiss on her lips.

"It's going to okay baby, one day you'll have the strength to write back... Maybe not forgive him but he is your father... And I will never leave you, baby girl," Camila whispers.

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