Liam Or Lauren?

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Camila wakes up to her phone ringing. She picks it up and answers the call.

"Morning Camila!" She hears her boyfriend's voice on the other side.

"Morning Liam," She says, bringing the green-eyed girl close to her.

"Want to go get some coffee this morning?" He asks.

Camila looks down at the green-eyed girl and debates between the two. She wants to spend time with Lauren but Liam is still her boyfriend.

"I'll meet you at the cafe," She says.

"Alright see you, baby," He says.

"See you," Camila says and hangs up. 

She wraps her arm back around Lauren and she hears a giggle. Camila kisses the top of her forehead and smiles. "Morning beautiful!" Camila says.

"Morning Camila!" She says happily. Lauren sits up and sits on Camila's lap.

Camila wraps her arms around her waist and innocently runs her hands along Lauren's body. Lauren smiles letting the girls hand trail around her body.

"I know you're a virgin Lauren," The girl whispers, "But I want you."

Lauren bites her lower lip and wraps her arms around Camila's neck. She traces her collar bone, leaning down, kissing her lips lightly.

"I do too," Lauren whispers, a frown forming, "But you're with Liam and our positions in school aren't the same."

Camila cups Lauren's cheeks and kisses her lips again. "I don't care what people will think, I don't care if our positions are different, I only care about us, if it were up to me, I would hold your hand, kiss you delicately, hug you, and whisper beautiful things in your ear at school."

Lauren blushes hard. She hugs Camila and Camila brings her closer. "What about Liam?" Lauren asks.

"I'm planning on breaking up with him I already told you the story as to why we are together," Camila said.

Lauren nods and stuffs her face into the girl's shoulder.

"Lauren," Camila whispers.

"Yeah?" Lauren looks up.

"I have coffee with Liam this morning," Camila says.

Lauren nods and gets off Camila's lap. "Go," She whispers.

"I'll be back before you know it," Camila cups Lauren's cheek. She presses her lips with Lauren's in a sweet, tender kiss.

Camila gets up from her bed and freshens up. Once she walks out she sees that Lauren fell back asleep. Camila smiles and pulls the cover more up.

She leans down and kisses the girls forehead. She stands up, grabbing her car keys, and closing her bedroom door.

She walks out the front door, getting into her car. She arrives at the cafe and walks inside. She sees her boyfriend and sits down next to him. "You picked my vanilla latte," She smiles.

"I already know your favorite baby," Liam says.

She takes a sip of it and looks at Liam seriously. "Liam, can I talk to you?" Camila speaks up.

"Sure, what's up?" He asks.

Camila sighs and looks into his eyes. "I want a small break," He says.

"From what?" He asks.

"Us..." Camila trails off.

Liam nodded and smiled, "Okay, you found someone else huh?" He asks.

"I don't know yet I don't know what I want," Camila says.

"You will," He smiles. Liam reaches over the table, taking Camila's hand in his. "I hope you do," He kisses the back of her hand and stands up. "I have to go, bye!" He kisses her cheek and she returns it.

"Bye..." She says. Her gaze focuses on Liam until he's out of her eyesight. "Of course I know what I want..." Camila whispers to herself and gets up.

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