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Lauren moves to the beat of the music, Camila's hands on her waist. Lauren giggles and Camila smiles.

"What?" She asks.

"Nothing I'm just ticklish," Lauren whispers, their foreheads resting together. 

Camila smiles brightly as they keep dancing. "Yo Camila come take a shot with us!" She hears Liam's voice. Camila laughs and looks into Lauren's eyes, "Do you wanna go take a shot with me, baby girl?"

Lauren thinks as she keeps moving her body with Camila's to the beat. "You go, baby," Lauren smiles.

"You're not coming with me?" Camila asks.

"I'm going to find Ally and Troy," Lauren smiles.

"They're over there than baby," Camila points to the far end of the yacht.

Lauren nods, smiles, and kisses Camila lightly on the lips. She walks over to Troy and Ally, sitting down on the couches.

"Where's Camila?" The boy asks.

"Taking shots with the cheerleaders and the football guys," Lauren responds.

"And they didn't invite?" Troy jokes.

Lauren laughs and grabs his whiskey taking a sip from it. Troy looks at Ally, mouth agape. Ally slaps his arm and he smiles. Camila comes over and crashes next to Lauren.

"What's up, baby?!" She wraps an arm around Lauren's shoulders.

Lauren laughs and takes Camila's hand in hers. "Your fucking drunk baby," She smiles.

"Tipsy," Camila corrects. "Do you wanna go to a room?" Camila whispers in Lauren's ear.

"Are they even open?" Lauren asks.

"Nope but I can bribe Troy," Camila smiles convincingly.

"Okay go do it," Lauren gives in.

The next thirty minutes is Camila trying to convince Troy to give her the master room. Once Troy gives in, Camila takes the keys and she looks at Lauren.

"Come on baby girl," Camila whispers.

Lauren waves at her friends and lets Camila lead her on. Once they reach the room, the brunette quickly unlocks it, opens it, and shoves Lauren inside.

"Rough much baby?" Lauren bites down on her lower lip.

Camila just smiles and pins Lauren against the door. She connects their lips in a rough but slow kiss. Lauren's hands go under Camila's shirt, moaning, pressing their bodies together.

Lauren lifts her arms up, Camila gets the message and she takes off Lauren's crop top. Camila's fingertips trace her fit abdomen making the green-eyed girl smile.

"You always seem to mesmerize me, baby girl," Camila whispers.

"You mesmerize me," Lauren mumbles.

Camila doesn't answer her she just pulls Lauren to the king-size bed in the middle of the room. Once Lauren's head hits the pillow she stops Camila.

"What?" Camila asks with an eyebrow raised.

"I.. I want to take control baby," Lauren says.

Camila bites her lower lip, nodding once. Lauren flips them around and runs her hand down Camila's body.

"Just take these two fingers and enter them right here," Camila says taking Lauren's middle and ring finger to her entrance.

Lauren nods and carefully enters her two fingers in Camila's entrance. Camila bites down on her lower lip, clamping around Lauren's fingers. Lauren thrusts her fingers in and out, slowly, afraid that she might hurt Camila.

"Don't be scared," Camila whispers.

Lauren nods and starts picking up her pace. Camila lets out a moan bucking her hips up. Camila switches them around which causes Lauren's fingers to twist inside of her, making Camila let out a loud moan.

Lauren thrusts her fingers in and out until Camila lets out her hot white liquid. She pulls her fingers out and Camila brings them up, licking them clean.

"My turn," She whispers.

Lauren nods as Camila runs her fingers along her sides. Camila leans down, kissing along Lauren's body.

"I have an idea," Camila whispers.

"That is?" Lauren raised an eyebrow.

"Take off all your clothes and afterward sit on my face," Camila explains.

Lauren does exactly what she said, taking off any piece of clothing she had on. She looks at Camila confusingly so the brunette grabs her hand. She moves Lauren into position and Lauren grips her thighs.

"Relax," Camila whispers against Lauren's wet folds.

"Okay," Lauren speaks up.

Camila spreads her folds and pokes at her entrance. She carefully slides her finger in, Lauren's walls clamping around her finger immediately. Camila starts slow, gradually picking up her pace as her digit disappears.

She brings up her middle finger and plunges that one in. Camila's mouth plants a kiss on Lauren's center, her tongue dancing on her clit.

Lauren digs her nails in Camila's thigh taking in the overwhelming pleasure. It didn't take long for the older girl to release her liquid so when she did Camila flinched.

Camila pats Lauren's thigh as a signal for the older girl to stand up. Lauren stands up and lays down next to Camila. The brunette reaches over, grabbing a tissue, cleaning her face up.

"Sorry," Lauren whispers.

"It's okay," Camila smiles.

Camila rolls up the tissue and throws it to the trash bin, making it in. Lauren rests her head on Camila's chest, the younger Cuban embracing her.

"Baby..." Camila speaks up.

"Yeah?" Lauren looks up at her.

"I love you..." Camila bites down on her lower lip, afraid what the other girl will say.

Lauren bites her lower lip and smiles brightly. "I love you too baby," Lauren whispers.

Camila tightens her grip around her girlfriend, never wanting to let her go. Lauren kisses Camila's neck making both girls smile.


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