Part 6- The Tornado

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I said "I too was curious so I tried to open the door on the day I found the room but the key was not getting into the keyhole that meant that it  was not that door's key  but the key had the same heading -THE TORNADO - on the triangle door " they nodded their heads . That topic was ended and other topics rushed in . We talked a lot I even showed them the albums and all the certificates I had . When we were busy talking and drinking our second cup of hot chocolate suddenly ...

we all heard a knock on the weird triangle door . We all looked each other in horror I said to make  ourselves relaxed "It must be a ground rat or something " and tried to ignore it but before we could continue our chatting ,                                                                                                                                    " I am not any mole or ground rat I am  The BM guy" then no voice was heard . We were horrified and started freaking out  so we took all our belongings, I  took my albums and certificate and ran out of the room . I closed the door locked it and buried the key  somewhere under the tree.

Now we  were relaxed but still couldn't forget it  "Who is this BM guy?" asked Harry ,                           I answered " I don't know ",                                                                                                                                             " May be we should try to forget everything cause when I think about it , it gives me scares " said Harry. 

"Any way we were doing a sort of hangout  then why don't you all come to my place?" asked Stella.

 "Will your parents mind ?" I asked,                                                                                                                                 "No! why would they? They will be happy to see you all home".                                                              "OK" I said merrily                                                                                                                                                                 "Where is it by the way ?" asked Harry.                                                                                                                    She answered " It is a few blocks away, at Damascus",                                                                                    "We can go on our cycles" I  suggested,                                                                                                          "Yeah" they both said nodding their heads.

We all got on our cycles and rode off to Stella's house , after  riding for few minutes Stella stopped her cycle and said "Oh guys wait we have reached our destination"                                              we all looked towards our right and there was a small , very small hut made up of wood and straw.                                                                                                                                                                                           I asked "Are you sure that this is our destination? Cause you don't look like a small house kind of person and this house is  smaller than mine "                                                                                                        "Guys not that one, this is the one" said Stella pointing toward a huge , beautiful mansion like house  which showed all sorts of comfort and luxury. I and Harry looked at her house like a child looking at a Cinderella's castle. 


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Out side the house it was a beautiful garden with many flowers including roses was there  and there was even a water fountain . When we opened the gate and walked in a dog came running toward Stella and licked her .  Her house was splendid and marvelous.


Dear Readers,

This time I came with an question and the question is 

Would you like to have a house like Stella's or would you like to stay in the same house you live in at present?

Post your answers in the comment box and don't forget to vote and share !

Your's Pinkdash2020 (Gauri Jayamohan)

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