Part 16- Mission Impossible

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With in an hour or two the two guards with stern expression dozed of like a child . It was the right time to make a plan to get out of this hell. 

I said"Hey look here", Greg turned his disappointed face toward me , his eyes was still down.

"I am sorry , I should have said it to you at the beginning" I didn't let him complete as I did not want that moment to be sad .    *Sad things made me uncomfortable and angry 🤷‍♂️  

"We can talk about it later ,now think a way to get out of this place at least to stay alive " I said 

Greg asked with a positive lit up on his face "So does that mean that you trust me?"

I did not answer to that question but pointed out again to think of an idea . Suddenly he screamed " I got it I got it" . Thank god he did not wake up the guards .

I said "Spill it out " and he started to explain it ......

"First we have to get untied ,for that bring your chair behind my chair in a way that I can reach your hands in this position it self ".

So I slowly moved my chair as he said to me, suddenly my chair creaked so loud that it almost woke up the guards ,but our luck that they were in a deep sleep that even if an elephant trumpeted they would not wake up . Finally I was able to bring the chair to the position Greg asked me to . then Greg said "First I will untie you OK ?"                                                                                     "Olla Kalla" I answered and stretched my hands towards him , he reached out my hands and untied me . Then I untied him, after that I asked "What now ?"   

He answered "Lets jump out of the window"                                                                                                             I gave him a look and said "Are you out of your mind?"                                                                                       "It's just one  storey so its alright " said Greg.                                                                                                            We were about to jump out of the window when we heard some one trying to open the door so we jumped back to our seats . I again started sulking as we couldn't get out and  will soon die in the hands of a man who have not  told us why he captured us . 

I looked at Greg helplessly he gave the same look back. It was the BM guy he got in and the guards woke up . He walked towards us as if he was going to inhale us in and                                          he said " You wanted to know why you are here tied up right?"  as we were very angry and helpless we did not say anything . After waiting for few seconds he said "Even though you did not nod your heads I know that you both want to know  why I have captured you both and are about to kill you and why I had captured your brother Robert. I am fulfilling your last wish that is to know why you are captured ." Then he started to ....................................................

Dear Reader's

Today I have two question to ask first one What would you have done in this situation ? and second one is Do you know the meaning of  Olla  Kalla ?                           

So post your answers in the comment box and don't  forget to vote and share .

your's Pinkdash2020 (Gauri Jayamohan )

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