Part 10-MOVIE TIME !

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By the time we had already reached her house . I took my bag, she took the parcel which my grandma gave and we marched into her house . Her mom was laying on the couch with a facial mask on her face, the moment she saw me she waved at me , I waved her back and                             said " Hi Mrs Steve , how are you ?"                                                                                                                                " Oh fine luv, how about your grand parents ?" asked Mrs Steve ,                                                                    I said " Fine" with a smile .                                                                                                                                              Stella said "Mom, Mrs John has given you some roasted potatoes as a parcel" and handed over the parcel , Mrs Steve quickly unwrapped the parcel and took a bite of the roasted potato and said "hmmm its so good how does she make this" I answered "it's a secret". Stella's mom continued eating roasted potatoes and we both went up to her room . We both sat on the couch and was planning to do something but couldn't  think of any idea. Then we thought why don't we cook something for tea ? We ran down to the kitchen ,                                                                                      I said " I remember one recipe which my grandma taught me, it's a doughnut"                                     "Yeah a doughnut sounds superb" said Stella .

First I wrote down the recipe in a paper then we started making them , while the dough was in the oven we made chocolate melt and even white chocolate melt . Then when the doughnut was ready ,we decorated them with chocolate , sprinklers , nuts and coco nibbles. Then it was tea time so we called her parents to have tea with us and to show what we had made . When Mr Steve and Mrs Steve sat on the chair and were ready to have some tea "Here we present ourselves made doughnut and lattes" we both said by bringing the doughnut to the table . That was the first time I met Mr Steve he was having a brown hair and dark blue eyes . We all had tea and went back to our room. Till supper we played xbox, I never knew what it was then Stella taught me . We had a blast . In the evening for the supper her parents had an important meeting which is why we ordered pizza . After that Stella changed her dress into her night dress and she came to the room from her wardrobe , she asked                                                                                          "Aren't you changing your dress into night dress ?"                                                                                             " I would have changed  but I don't have one to change into" I answered                                                        "What ! You don't have one" Stella asked                                                                                                               "No" I said with a sigh.                                                                                                                                                      She said " It's alright , I had accidentally bought an extra .pair last week , you can take that" I thanked her with a hug and changed my dress into night gown . . After that we were again confused what to do , I had no clue as I never visited such a big house. Then Stella and I said together "MOVIE !" . Stella showed me all the disks she had  and                                                                  asked "Which one do you want ?" I pointed at disk and said "parent trap , I love this film more than anything ." "me too" said Stella . We were both were ready to watch so I played the movie suddenly, " WAIT!" she exclaimed I asked her "What happened ?" in a surprise she said " We forgot ice cream and popcorn . Lets get it from the kitchen" . We both got down the bed and went to the kitchen the lights were off as Stella's parents were out so we sneaked in and took two tubs of london dairy ice cream and we popped some popcorn then we took both to her room got onto the bed and started the movie .                                                                                                             I asked her " Can I ask you a question if you don't mind?"                                                                                    " Why not ask me ." answered Stella                                                                                                                          I asked her "Your father is rich , so you can go for you education right ?"                                                    she started to explain with a sigh......................................


Dear Reader's 

today's question is Which is your favourite film?

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your's Pinkdash2020 (Gauri Jayamohan )

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