Part 20-Why worry when Greg here

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" Yeah it is time to take revenge , they killed your dad Greg we should show him hell" I said 

"Do anyone have plan , how we should take revenge?"  asked Stella 

" Why worry when Greg here? I have something " said Greg 

"What is it ?" I and Stella asked together .

" When we were about to jump through the window but heard The BM guy come , Clara went and sat back but I took my phone and started to record what all he said . When we finally escaped I offed the recording ." Greg said smartly.

"Good job Greg , but how I did not still get what is the actual plan " I said confusingly 

Before he could explain "Hey sweeties , would like to have some waffles?"                                                   It was Stella's mom huh! 

" Thank you Mrs Steve "  I and Greg thanked , soon she left and we came back to our discussion .

"Yeah my idea is that we will find out the devil behind the mask then we will give it to the police with the evidence ok??" said Greg 

"What is your brain is it a human brain or a machine of ideas ?" said Stella kiddingly 

" He said don't praise me this much" said Greg with a laugh. " OK now lets find out who that devil is " I said . For finding out the person we played the video multiple times but we did not get any clue . We again and again played the last part cause we thought he would remove the mask as his eyes were burning , but no. 

Suddenly I noticed something on the hand of The BM guy , it was a green plastic ring like the one kids wear . That time my mind struck that I had seen the same ring on some other hand but I did not remember who it was .  I said " Hey guys I have seen the same ring on some other hand and that ring is not plastic ring it is a ring made of sea glass which can be found only in Spain ."

"How do you know about this ?" asked Greg " The person I who had the same ring he even told that there is only one like that ring in the whole world " I answered 

" That means the person who said that to you is the person who kidnapped you , lets check the video again " said Stella . So we checked again when we found that , that person was having a beauty spot on his neck . It was a big mark . I shouted "Hey I know this guy but I am not getting his name nor his image is forming in my mind , but we can do one thing . In the village library there are some books  from the California Library in that I found out that there is a book from the company my dad worked " " So its just a book what can we do with it" asked Stella foolishly 

I answered " It may contain the group photo of the people working in that  company so we can search a person with a mark near his neck and a green ring right??" 

" Good job Clara ..." before Greg could praise me more Stella's phone rang...............


Dear Reader's

Today my question is Who that caller might be ?and whom do you thing that BM guy might be?

Post your answers in the comment box and don't forget to vote and share 

your's Pinkdash2020 (Gauri Jayamohan)

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