Chapter 6

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I heard a loud crash, and that was it.

I felt something push me to the side, I looked back only to see Levi on top of me. H-He saved me from a c-car crash?

"P-Professor!" I gulped, "please stand up!"

He did so, but he stuggled to stand up, so I had to hold him. It looked like as if his ankle was somewhat sprained? The impact was harsh, so I'm guessing that's it.

The driver of the car came to us quickly, panic and pressure filled her beet, red, face. She was breathing quite heavily.

"Oh thank God! Thank you so much for saving him, I should bring you to the hospital quickly! It looks like I injured your ankle." The woman insisted, Levi refused, but the woman forced us to get into her car, so we didn't have a choice but to go to the hospital with the over reacting woman.

"So, what are you two young boys at the streets at 5AM?" The woman casually asked.

"Miss, I'm already 34 years old, and this kid is my student." Levi arrogantly replied. The woman furthermore didn't say anything else, but her facial expression seemed quite shocked. I chuckled and thought 'that's what you get when you're a fucking midget.'

We arrived in the hospital, the doctor had put Levi in the ward for the meantime while examining him.

"Well, he seems to be fine, but I advise that you stay here for awhile before going home. May we get both of your I.D's?"

The doctor looked at mine without saying anything, and when he looked at Levi's, his eyes widened. He left the ward without anything else to say.

We sat there, doing nothing but wait. The room was cold, Levi suddenly just tugged the scarf that I was currently wearing.

"Can I get a reward after saving your life, Jaeger?" He teased me. I didn't say anything else, but he suddenly kissed me passionately.

"Eren?! Professor?!" Mikasa yelled at us, forcing Levi to pull out from the kiss. "I stay at home worried sick because you're not here, then I get called by some guy saying that you were in a damn hospital, and I find out that my brother is a homo and is currently in a relationship with his own tea-" I hushed Mikasa.

"Damn it, Mikasa! People can hear you!" I scolded her.

"Are you guys even using protection?! I don't want you getting STD's, Eren!" Mikasa answered back.

"Yes, we are using protection" Levi butted in. What the actual fuck?!

This is where I show a but more comedy, but idk, I'm unfunny :P

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That's all for now, guys!


Mr. Angry and Mr. Clean Freak (Shingeki no Kyojin ~RiRen~ AU)Where stories live. Discover now