Chapter 10

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Today was the day Levi and I are going to this cafe near the school. I was procrastinating to go there and I was again afraid to know how Mikasa would react to me constantly being with Levi, yet I doubt that I have other options to fix this mess.

I scrutinized Levi' s room carefully. His items were too organized and clean. I doubt he wouldn't notice if I touch one of these things. Probably has OCD; this is too much for someone who's normal. Mr. Cleanfreak totally is the perfect name for him.

I have about 15 minutes to prepare before heading out. I took a shower. The cold water made me shiver and my teeth clattered loudly. I took Levi's shampoo and rubbed it all over my hair.

"Jaeger!" I heard Levi's voice from up close. I was surprised in a terribly bad way. I looked behind me seeing Levi 3 feet away from me. Dammit! I forgot to lock the door!

"Get the fuck out! Can't you see I'm taking a damn shower?!"

"Can't you see I'm enjoying the view?"

"G-get the hell o-out...!" I'm starting to stutter! Why the hell am I stuttering?! I'm starting to sound like a damn girl.

The small man went closer to give me a small kiss on my lip and neck before leaving the bathoom. I quickly took my towel and looked at myself in the mirror to realize that I'm starting to blush intensely.

Okay, Eren. You're only blushing because you're embarassed to be kissed by another guy since you're straight, okay?

I walked out of the shower and took my towel with me. Levi put some clean clothes by my towel so I quickly changed. I'm glad I didn't need to go out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel.

I looked at my reflection to see a hickey on the left side of my neck. Damn it! I'll have to go out with this?! I sighed trying to ignore the mark.

I went out of the restroom and saw Levi looking at his phone with a pissed off type expression, as if he was reading a text that contained something bad.

The midget noticed me. "Are you ready to go?" He asked me, trying his best to look cheerful (it was obvious that it was fake).

He held my hand and litterally pulled me out the door. We continued walking, yet the silence wad terrible, the atmosphere was uncomfortable and awkward.

I tried to think of something to say to start a coversation. "Why did you go straight to the house? I thought we were going to meet in the cafe?" I asked, but there was no reply. Damn mysterious shit going on here.

We trailed off to our said destination. It was larger than I thought it was. It was so large that it looked like a smaller version of a dining hall with sofas.

Levi ordered coffee and didn't let me order what I wanted and ended up buying what he ordered. I chose not to utter a word because he seemed really pissed.

I heard his phone ring. He looked at it looking pissed as hell.

"I'll hurry to the bathroom, okay?"

I nodded. He walked to the unisex bathroom quickly. I didn't do anything but wait for him. I took small sips on my coffee while waiting for him. His trip too the bathroom was way too fucking long! Even taking a shit isn't supposed to be that long.

I hurried to the bathroom and opened the door only to see Levi kissing a woman, and not just a regular woman. It was Professor Petra.


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Mr. Angry and Mr. Clean Freak (Shingeki no Kyojin ~RiRen~ AU)Where stories live. Discover now