4. the judge

167 19 56

Josh's pov

The house looks decent. Probably to big for just two people but I'm not complaining about that. I bring a box up the stairs and set it in my new room. I need curtains, I can see straight into the person room who lives next door. Ooh, I hope it's a pretty girl.

I look at my room, I dont even have a bed. "Moooommmmmm!" I whine and rushing down the stairs carelessly skipping one every once in a while.

My mom is walking inside with a box so I push the door halfway close when she back it in and is setting the box down. "When is my bed going to be here?" I ask and she sighs.

"Tomorrow? Just sleep on blankets," she says and I huff. I'm a mommas boy if you want to call it that. But nobody could guess that from how I look or act. Or how I act in school, I have two sides. Two main sides at least.  I'm pretty whiny when I'm not in public.

After unpacking for a little while there's a knock on our door. My mom answers it and the two ladies hug like they know each other. Weird. They talk and then my mom calls me over. I come over to them and feel like a kid who's being showed off. "This is my joshie, he just turned 18," my mom says embarrassing me.

"My son is shy but im sure he'll like to meet you guys, but I was wondering if you wanted to come over?" She says and I pout to myself, she has a son. That's no fun.

"We'll love to!" My mom says. Fuck this, I want to sleep in my bed. But noooo, I dont even have a bed yet.


About a hour later I'm sitting on a couch 'watching' the news. I'm really just playing a game on my phone as my mom and the lady talk.

The door opens and we all look over to see a emo or scene looking boy who has to much hair in his face. He's also looking down and away so I can't see his face. He shuts the door and then goes to the stairs quickly. He climbs them and disappears. He's not going to say hi? He must really be shy. Or maybe he didn't even see us?

"I'll be right back," the mom says and I hear the door upstairs shut a second time. And then a third. His mom rushes up the stairs and I look at my mom and she shrugs. After almost a full ten minutes the mom comes back and looks stressed.

What happened? I dont even have enough information to take a guess. I look at their lights just to distract myself. Three are lit but the fourth on is out. "Sorry, he's really shy. So you probably wont see him," she says and I hear a car pull up. "Oh! He's hear," The lady I think Ms. Sykes says. My mom and her then walk outside leaving me alone.

Ugh, my mom is probably going to take so long for meeting 'him'. Is it Mr. Sykes? I hear a door shut again and then see the boy. He's considerate on the door and hasn't seen me yet. I watch as he goes to the window and he starts spying on the parents. After a moment he turns around and looks to be going to the back door.

I sees me and squeals and shoves his hands over his mouth. I raise an eyebrow at him amused at how bad I just scared him without trying. "Oh my god, you fucking scared me," he says trying to regain his posture.

"I see," I chuckle and he frowns. His eyes look a little red. Pothead. Yup he's definitely been smoking, that's probably why he got jumpscared by me and probably why his mom spent so much time up there.

"Uh huh," he says before walking away. I get up and follow because I have nothing better to do and I feel awkward just sitting here alone. He frowns at me when he sees I've followed him to the back door. "What?" He snaps.


"I'm bored," I say and he rolls his eyes. He opens the door and signals for me to walk out so I do. He comes out but after shutting the door he just opens it back up, walks in, shuts it. Then he opens it walking back out and shuts it... what?

He is one weird high person. He looks to my backyard. "Um.. can I go sit in your tree? I usually do every day but you fucked it up and now it's your tree and not mine," he says and it's like he's mad at me but trying to be nice so I'll say yes.

"Uh.. why?" I ask and he frowns again. He sure does frown a lot.

"Because I do it every day. I like it. The end. Now can I go sit in it or are you an asshole?" He says and looks at his feet. Okay this boy is definitely got issues.

"I dont care, I'm going home," I say and turn around and walk inside. He's rude and weird, maybe it's just because he's high? Whatever I dont like him.



Lol neither of them like the other

Idk what to put as the chapters so I'm doing a song title that has a reference in the chapter

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