11. dick pic

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Oli's pov

I lock the bathroom door and take off my hot sweaty clothes immediately. When my binder is off I feel like I can finally breathe. I get in the shower avoiding the mirror and turning on the water.

Its starts off cool and gets warmer helping my body cool down but not be to uncomfortable. I wash myself and look at my hairy armpits. I think I pass good. Its just if I'm not wearing a shirt with a binder. I wash everything.

People say is unhygienic to have hair but no.. its just hair. Maybe If you dont shower or use deodorant but I do. I'm a guy.

Theres a knock on the door making my freak out inside. The current is shut and the door is locked. I turn off the water. "What?" I ask.

"Can I come in?" Its my mom's voice.

"Um.. yeah hold on," I mumble taking sure I have no soap on me before getting out and wrapping a towel around me. I unlock the door. "Make josh leave my room and lock it behind him," I say and then I hear her make him leave.

"Okay he's gone," she says.

I open the door and she has a bag in her hand. "I uh.. got you things. Do you like that boy?" She says handing me the bag.

"Um.. it doesn't matter, he's straight. But thanks?" I say and she smile sadly. She looks at the needle marks and frowns a little.

"I'm going to finish in here, you can let josh back in once I'm in," I say quickly and go into the bathroom and shut it.

I open the bag and smile widely when I see what's in it. Trans tape for binding and packing stuff. My mom pretty much got me a dick. I accidentally make a happy squeal thing.

-Josh's pov-

When oli comes out he's wearing a simple long sleeved shirt and sweatpants. He looks really happy. He goes to his mirror and checks himself out.  He ignores me and starts calling him mom as he leaves.

I follow and see oli hug his mom and he starts crying..? I watch confused as he thanks her and she looks proud. "Does it feel comforting?" She says. Oli looks at me and then his mom.

"We'll talk later, I'm going to hang out with Josh," he says and skips to me grabbing my hand and drags me back up the stairs. He's moving differently, like he's actually comfortable and not like he has a stick up his ass.

When he goes into his room he drops my hand and faces me. My eyes accidentally go down and my face heats up as I see a little bit of his dick imprint. He's wearing underwear so I hand see to much detail but I makes me blush and then his hand covers it. I look up to see he's blushing and caught me looking.

Oh god, let's face it. I like him. I dont care if he's a guy. "Let's watch Netflix," he says and turns around. I go to his bed and sit down and he gets the remote and comes over too. He sits next to me and puts on Jurassic World.

Oli's phone buzzes and he picks it up. Mildly intrested I look at his screen. He sees me and doesn't care if I watch. He clicks on the massage and we both let out surprised noises. It's a dick pic. "Oh my god!" Oli says dropping his phone and covering his red face.

I start laughing. "Whose dick did I just see?" I say laughing. The hand around it had painted nails.

"My ex oh my god I need to bleach my eyes," he says. I grab the phone that fell in between his legs. He gasps and I blush. I didn't realize my hand would be that close to his crotch..

With a red face I look at his phone. Kellin sent this. I thought he dated a girl names kelly? Does he have a thing for K names? He takes the phone from me and starts texting.

Oli: your dick looks like a cheeto that got all the power licked off of it

I burt out laughing and he glares at me. "Oh god, I better not send a dick pick or you're going to be mean," I laugh out and he blushes.

"Possible," he mumbles. What does that mean?

Kellin: good thing you like cheetos ;) you also like to choke on my cock

Oli turns so I can't read anyone. His face is red. My thoughts go dirty as i think about Oli on his knees for me.. "I hate this bitch," he mumbles.

"Why did you date him?" I ask.

"I dated her because I'm stupid," he says and I blink. Her? Oh fuck, this is kelly?

"Kellin is kelly?" I say and he looks at me with a pout.

"Yeah I dated a trans girl, does that bother you?" He asks with attitude.

"No, I just wasn't aware kelly was trans. She looks like a giry girl," I say not knowing how to word it.

"Yeah but shes a fucking dick and wont stop fucking with my head," he says and puts his phone away.

"Almost dying was really exhausting," he mumbles getting under his blankets. I stay on to of them a hum a little in response. He gets comfortable and I blush when he puts his face in my side to hide his eyes from the light.

I start paying attention to the tv but in the back of my mind I think about Oli and my sexuality.






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