13. freash bruises

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Btw you dont always throw up after you drink. Ik some of you've never been drunk so I just gotta tell you. Oli is a lightweight and did get drunk but he didn't drink enough to throw up or black out.

Oli's pov

When I wake up is from feeling suffocated. I sit up and pain shots through my ribs. I gasp and clutch my ribs.

"What? Are you hurt?" Josh's morning voice asks. I look at him to see hes getting up from the floor. My ribs ache. I've worn my binder all through school, the day, and the night. His voice rings in my head making me realize I have a hangover.

I take a breath in and it hurt. I've bruised my ribs. Fuck. I get up slowly and look at the bed praying to anyone who will matter that I didnt bleed through on his white sheets. Nothing there thankfully so I look at josh.

He's got a concern look on his face. Probably because my face portrays pain and I'm holding myself like I'm in pain. What the fuck do I tell him? I remember most of last night. He got me extra pants, underwear, and female hygiene products unknowingly. I love my mom so much and I'm thankful he got me the stuff.

I was crying in the bathroom for a hour or two before I started bleeding and of course I was wearing white pants.. only kelly saw but I got away before she could talk to me. I ignore him and go to his bathroom and lock myself in.

It hurts too much to keep on. "Oli? What happened? Did someone hurt you?" He asks through the door.

I take off my hoodie and my two shirts. "I-im sick, leave me alone," I say turning on the sink so he wont hear that I'm not throwing up. Carefully I undo my corset like binder. This one hurts the worse but it hides my chest the best.

"I'll get aspirin and water," he says. I get my binder off and sigh. I now have red marks that are bruising me. After I get my top surgery I'm going to tattoo my chest and stomach. I think I might do a eagle on my stomach right about the restless tattoo.

I put my long sleeved shirt on and then over it I put a baggy tshirt on. Then I put on my hoodie. What do I do with my binder? I open his sink cabinets to see cleaners and things that dont look like they've been touched. Please dont find this. I fold it up and put it in the far dark corner. Carefully I close the cabinet door silently and turn off the water.

I'm okay.

Im so glad I'm naturally flat chested. I just wish I was born a guy. I stretch a little trying to get the pain to go. I use the bathroom and then open the door to see Josh looking at the bathroom door and now me.

He cant see my chest.

Everything is fine.

I close the door but it doesn't make the right sound. Why does life hate me? I re do it a few times until finally its okay to move on. "My mom is making food, do you want to stay so you're mom doesn't see you hung over?" He asks holding out water and pills. I go over to him and take them.


"Uh, sure.. but I'm vegan," I say and he looks at my body. Oh my god please don't do that. I have lots of layers he cant see.

"Oh, that's fine, shes making spaghetti," he says and I look at the time almost having a heart attack.

"3pm!? My mom is going to be so worried-"

"I talked to her, she thinks you're here hanging out playing video games," he says and I nod a little. He really is keeping me out of a lot of trouble.

"Okay cool.." my body and mind hurt. I sit on his bed. Wait.. did he sleep on the floor? He sits down next to me on the other side and I blush. I wish I was a guy physically so I can be comfortable. I need a hug but I cant..

"Do you mind if I lay? My back hurts a bit from- my back just hurts," he says. From sleeping on the floor? He's.. nice.. he doesn't want me to feel bad. I nod and also lay down. He just cant touch me.

"Thank you for.. uh.. carrying me home and stuff. I didn't mean to get that drunk or emotional," I mumble. Me on my period being drunk and having an anxiety attack is probably very stressful to deal with.

Josh looks at me and smiles. "You're welcome, carrying you is fun," he says. Fun? Why does my gaydar pick up on that? He cant possibly mean that in a flirty way could he? I bite the side of my tongue and then look at the ceiling. I'm picking at my fingernails so my arms will protect my chest from his view.

I know he cant see it but I'm still very paranoid. "You're good looking, why aren't you dating anyone?" He asks making my face go red. I look at him to see him also blushing. He just called me good looking...

"Um.. I have OCD? Nobody can handle how big my dick is? I dont know," I say and he smiles. I make a lot of jokes like I do have a dick. I want people to think I do have one.

"I bet mines bigger," he says and winks. I roll my eyes.

"Nope, kellin couldn't even handle it, I turned her g- kelly, I knew her before she changed her name so it slips sometimes," I say feeling bad.

"When did you figure out you were bi? And why?" He asks and he sits up so hes looking down at me now.

"Um.. I've always liked guys but then started getting crushed on girls and I realized I liked any gender," I say and he looks to be thinking hard on something.

He then leans down but freezes. IS HE ABOUT TO KISS ME!? He pulls up immediately. "Oh I forgot- I uh, have to pee," he says rushing to out of the room.

What the fuck?

My heart is beating to fast and my stomach is twitching. Does he like me? Did I turn a straight boy gay? I blush. I kinda wished he kissed me but I'm so glad he didnt. I'm not comfortable at all right now and dysphoria is dancing around in my head.

I hope he does like me..

Me and my body..

Me as a guy.




Heheh josh almost kissed him but freaked out

Poor oli :c

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