10. heat

122 16 188

Josh's pov

As we walk he seems to be off in another world. I bite my tongue and look ahead of me. He's nice to look at.. I've never questioned me sexually before but this boy is making me. I'm not homophobic so I don't have a problem if I am bi but it's just new.

I'm labeling myself as bisexual for now but I dont know how true that is, I dont look at other guys sexually. Only Oliver. He looks at the sun and then switches sides so he's on my right side. Then he starts walking closer to me. Aww he's trying to use me to block the sun.

"I'm melting," he complains.

"Take off your jacket," I say and he zips it up. That's the opposite of what I just said.

"Its not really that hot," he say and drifts farther away from me as we walk so he's not in my shadow. Its really hot out here and he looks like he's trying to not look like he's melting.

"Its almost 90° it is hot and you're wearing all black heavy clothes," I state and he rolls his eyes. Maybe he doesn't want to take it off because of his OCD? I'm not how it works but that's the only logical reason.

So I don't question it outloud, he's just now getting over a freak out. After a few minutes he starts walking even slower. "Wait," he mumbles and stop. His face is read and he looks.. like he's way to hot. He swallows hard and wipes his face but it's not really sweaty.

If you're dehydrated you'll stop sweating. "I'm sorry, hold on," he says and sinks to the ground. Oh shit. He lays on his back. "I'm trying not to pass out," he mumbles.

"The ground is hotter than the air, you're just making it worse," I kneeling down. He grab his wrists and make him sit up.

"I cant stand, too dizzy," he whispers seeming out of it. He has some kind of heat exhaustion or dehydration going on. I unzip his jacket and he weakly tries to stop me. I dont care if he doesn't want to take off his jacket, he has to. This is serious.

Once I get it off I see why he didn't want it off. Theres bruising needle marks in the pit of his elbow. Drugs? I'll deal with that later. I tie his jacket around my waist and pick him up. "I-im fine," he slurs.

"When you're inside you will be," I say and start walking faster to my house. When I get inside Oli mumbles that he wants to be let go. He really doesn't like me holding him. The whole time he was trying to make at least body contact with me as possible.

"Hold on," I say climbing the stairs. I put him in my bed and he immediately grabs my pillow and hugs it. "I'm going to go get water, you can take off your shirt so you can cool down," I say and then rush downstairs so I can get water. Maybe he didn't eat? He's pretty light and seems really weak.

What does he eat? I grab poptarts and almost smash into my mom. "Why are you back so early?" She asks almost annoyed but she does look worried.

"My friend is having a heatstroke or something, I gotta go," I say and rush past her. She watches me go up the stairs and I walk into my room and shut and lock the door. He has his pants undone and his shirt pushed up to a inch or two above his belly button.

My eyes go to his 'restless' tattoo and my face goes hot. What does he look so hot on my bed sweaty and panting? "I need my jacket," he says and I roll my eyes. He's not very smart is he.

"Dont zip it up," I say giving it to him. As he puts it on I take off his combat boots. He's wearing white generic socks.

"My head hurts," he complains. I feel his forehead and frown, he's really hot. I give him the water and he starts drinking it. He puts it down and I give him poptarts that he puts with the water.

He should eat them.

"Do you want to take a cool shower?" I ask and he runs his hand through his hair.

"Yeah.. but I'll do it at my house so I can change," he says. Why am I disappointed he didnt say yes and just wear my clothes?

"Um.. the needle marks..?" I ask looking at his elbow pit even though its covered by his jacket.

"None of you're business," he says zipping up his pants, buttoning them, and them sitting up.

"I didn't realize you had so many tattoos, can I see?" I ask.

"Nope, my clothes stay on. I'll be back in thirty minutes. Or you could come and sit in my room and wait for me and we can hang out in my room," he says. That sounds like fun. I get up when he does he looks at his shoes and pouts.

"I'm to lazy," he says taking off his socks and putting them in his shoes and picks them up and we start walking. He has girly feet. That's cute. We go down he stairs and I'm secretly ready to catch him if he falls.

He's obviously tired but he doesn't want to seem like it. My mom looks at us. "Is everything okay?" My mom asks and looks Oli up and down.

"Yeah, I'm going to his house so he can change and we can hang out," I say and she nods. We leave and when we get in Oli's house I see his mom isn't here.

We go upstairs and I find myself looking at his ass when he's in front of me. Oops.. it's funny seeing him go up and down stairs, he's always so considerated and it's cute. His room is very clean and organized. He gets out clothes from a drawer and looks at me.

"Um.. dont mess up my room. I have Netflix on my tv... uh.. yeah," he says and I see him blush. "I'll be back," he says and goes into the bathroom. He comes back out shutting the door and repeating this a few times before actually going to take a shower.

He's cute...



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