16. shirtless

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Oli's pov

After we are done eating I feel like I ate too much. I hate eating. "Do you need condoms?" My mom says as she takes my plate away. She picked the worse time ever to ask this. I inhale my water and start coughing spilling water from my mouth and cup on myself.

Josh looks surprised and my mom starts laughing. "You're trying to kill me," I say coughing after every few words. I stand up and water spills off of me.

"Sorry Oliv- oli," she says and I feel upset. The water got on my tape. Fuck.

"Oh my God," I say and rush to go to my room. Josh tries to follow but I hear my mom stop him.

- Josh's pov -

When I open Oli's door to check on him hes turned away from me. He's shirtless but I can only see his back. He hugs his shirt to his chest and looks at me with wide eyes. Shirtless.. I want him to uncross his arms and drop the shirt.

Hes frozen like he's caught in headlights. I walk over and confidently kiss him. Hes frozen and it takes a second for him to kiss back. I grab his hips and close the space between us but his arms are still completely covering his chest. Hes crossing them like a dead person's position in a casket. Or like a vampire? They dont cross dead people's arms like that anymore.

I pull away a little and hes still looks terrified. "P-please get out," he says and tears brim to his eye. What? I thought he was okay with kissing? "N-now," he adds and tears fall from his eyes.

"Oh.. okay. Um. I'm sorry?" I say backing up.

"I-im really self conscious o-of my body. It's not your fault, just leave," he says and I look away from him so he wont feel too bad. I'm about to leave.

"I like you're body, but okay. I'll be downstairs or should I go home?" I say slowly back away.

"G-go home, but I'm not mad," he says and I turn around and go to his door.

"Text me when your done changing," I say and leave. Is that why I almost never seen him eat? He thinks hes singly or fat? That's also why he wont let me touch him?


Oli: sorry for chasing you out

Me: it's okay, but you're good looking so you shouldn't hide your body

Oli: I hate my body, theres nothing you or anyone else can do to convince me otherwise. You don't know a lot about me so you should just drop it. Drop me. If you want to be with a guy Ronnie is available and I'm should he'll bottem or top for you. Sorry this is such a long text but its probably the last I'm going to send to you. I've got major crushes on a lot of straight guys and gay girls and I dont feel like getting a bigger crush on you than I do now and getting hurt because you realize your not bi. So sorry but experiment with someone else and good bye josh.

I read it over a few times feeling rejected and sad. He thinks I will hurt him. I wont- will I? Hes right I dont know a lot about him but I do like him. A lot. I'm not experimenting with him, I'm just trying to get close to him and when we are both ready I might ask him out.

Sex isn't what's on my mind- yes I thi k about it a lot but that's not the reason I want to talk to Oli.

Me: I'm happy you are looking out for yourself but I like you. I'm not just trying to get in your pants to see if I like guys or not. It doesn't matter your gender I like you're personally and your attitude.

Oli: but you're just a jock. I see how those girls fling themselves at you. You wont date me and I understand. But I need trust and since you've only known me for a couple of weeks you dont have my trust like Jordan or kelly..

Me: I'm coming back over so I can talk to you not in text

Oli: I'm in your tree..

Why do I feel so desperate? I rush out my back door and Oli is indeed in my tree. He climbs down and I can see hes been crying. The next words weren't planned or thought through. They just slip out of my mouth.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"



How is oli going to react?

How do you think josh feels?

How does oli feel?

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