31. help

90 17 40

Josh's pov

After the night I sang to Oli he's been very needy. He wont do anything alone. I'm not complaining but now he's permanently by my side. I love it but I think something is wrong.

He's also been having nightmares for the past few days he's been at my house. His OCD is also really bad and yesterday he rearrange my whole room. The other day he rearrange my living room and cleaned everything. Right now he's opening and closing drawers and cabinets in my bathroom.

I knock on the door and he opens it looking stressed. "Baby, talk to me. You're clearly not okay-"

"I'm to clingy? Is that it? I'm annoying?" He huffs shutting a cabinet hard and then opening it and shuting it softly. He huffs again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean yo snap," he says pouting. He comes over and hugs me so I hug back.

"You're not too clingy, I like having you around," I tell him and he melts in my arms. "If you talked about what you are going through I might be able to help," i tell him and he pulls away and looks at me for a moment.

He makes a face of 'that's not a good idea' and then sighs. "I don't want to talk about it, its just my stupid dreams," he mumbles.

I wish I know what his dreams were about..


Today Oli has seemed nervous. He still does. As he sits on my couch I bring him a sandwich that he takes hesitantly. "Um.." he starts getting more of my attention. I sit down and look at my boyfriend that is looking at the floor. "Could you- uh, you know how I do guy stuff and.. stuff doesn't bother me to do. But- look I'm not lazy but.." he starts trying to justify himself because actually asking me to do something.

"Oli, calm down. I'll do it, just tell me what," I say and he sighs.

"Cut my grass? I dont want my mom to do it but I.. I cant... my dad use to but hes not here and I dont want tall grass because snakes.." He says looking guilty. I smile and kiss him.

"Of course, I've needed to cut my grass so I'll do both now," I say not minding at all. I dont want my beautiful boyfriend doing hard word and definitely not him mom. "I'll be shirtless.. and sweaty, you can have front row seats," I say and wiggle my eyebrows.

He looks away not liking that idea? "I'm going to Jordan's.. I dont like the noise," he says. He doesn't like the noise? I guess it isn't a pleasant noise.

"Okay, text me and I'll text you when I'm done," I tell him. He nods and gets up. I get up too and we hug.

"I really appreciate it.. I'm sorry," he says softly.

"I dont mind doing it so dont be sorry," I tell him. He gets his things and leaves. I hope he's okay.. he seemed too worried for it to be just about asking me to do something so simple.

Sorry it's short, next chapter will be Olivier's dream ooooooo



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