24. josh, im really fucking horny

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Oli's pov

When I wake up I almost panic because josh is in my bed and I dont have any binders on. But he knows.. yet he isn't upset? I turn so I'm on my back and see hes awake looking at my ceiling. It's still bright outside so I wasn't asleep for too long but I feel better.

He looks at me and I blush. "What do you think?" I ask nervously. I expect his eyes to go to my chest but they dont.

"I think... you're hansom.. and my boyfriend.. uh I also think you have an amazing mom and oh, my mom knows I'm bi now," he says and I smile. He really doesn't see this as a super big stressful thing?

"I need to put my binder on-" before I can get up I'm pulled back into his arms roughly but not in a way it hurts my ribs. Or anything for that matter.

"Nope, you're ribs hurt. If you want I'll leave but you're not putting it back on," he says and I blush. Hes so rough sometimes, I love it. He doesn't touch me like I'm a girl. He's also thinking about my health and safety. I pout but relax into his arms.

"You probably don't want to talk about it but I looked up transgender stuff when you were asleep because I have literally no clue on anything of that subject- anyways. The needle markes, is that testosterone or is it a drug like I thought before," he asks. I'm glad hes asking and not just assuming I'm an drug addict.

"Its testosterone.. um, please dont tell anyone about me not really being a guy.." I mumble.

"You are a guy, but I wont tell anyone you weren't born that way," he says and I smile. Hes so nice. "Oh! I almost forgot. Do you want to go on a date with me? To the movies?" He asks startling me at first.

I giggle when he smirks at my surprised face. "Yes, I'll love that," I say and my stomach growls at me and I blush.

"I'll go make you food, what do you want?" He says and I blush. He's willing to make me food? Ew food. I bite my bottom lip. Do I want to eat this early? I'll probably go to sleep hungry if I do.

"No, my stomach just makes funny sounds. I ate right after first block, that's why I was late to meeting with you under the bleachers," wow I'm so full of shit. But he doesn't need to know that. He looks at his phone.

"That was six hours ago, its almost 4," he says. Ugh, why is he smart.

"Oh, wow, well I was asleep for most of the time so I'm not hungry yet," I lie about not being hungry. I'm very hungry, but, if I dont eat until 6 or 7 than I can sleep okay because I'm not starving. Sometimes I eat an apple in the morning so I'm not dying during school.

He gets on me straddling my hips making me blush. "Have you been skipping meals?" He asks and I feel guilty for lying to him. He doesn't deserve to be lied to.

"I dont eat as much as I should but I'm not anorexic. I'll be fine.. after I get top surgery I'll eat normal," I mumble. This is what I told my mum too. She doesn't approve but she doesn't know how much I dont eat. She thinks I just skip one meal but I skip two.

He thinks about what I said and pouts. Oh my go why does he look so fucking cute? He then looks at my chest for a moment and I cross my arms. I only have a thin long sleeved shirt on so its obvious that I have boobs.. He leans down putting his hands on either side of me and kisses me.

I close my eyes and move my lips with his. My body is so easily switched on and I blush. His hand rubs my thigh and I feel energy go through my body. His hand goes up my shirt and touches my stomach and sides. Now that he knows would he want to do sexual stuff? Could he use his mouth on me? Him touching me gives me a bit of anxiety.. I wish I could not feel that. Oh.

"Do you want to smoke weed with me? I'm nervous and it helps," I say and he thinks about it.

"Oh, I wasn't trying to get you to be sexual with me. Last time you said it gave you anxiety so I think we should wait until you're really ready," he says and I blush. He doesn't understand, I am ready it's always going to give me anxiety.

"Josh, I'm really fucking horny. Please," I say frustrated. If he says no then I'm going to be in a uncomfortable dull pain for the next hour. He looks taken aback by my statement. His face goes red and then he smiles.

He leans down and kisses me before getting off. "Okay, let's smoke," he says and I get up and get it out. I lock my door and open my window so I dont hotbox my room or anything.


I cant help but squirm a little in spot. I take another hit and then put it down. I'm not high yet but I'm relaxed- as relax as I can be with being this turned on. "Do you have to pee or..?" He says and I blush.

"Or I'm really horny and it hurts to sit still? Yes," I say and he pushes me onto my back on the bed. He gets in between my legs and bends down and kisses me. I kiss back desperately and his hand goes to my stomach but doesn't go under my shirt.

As we kiss his hand goes up and then is on my chest. I pull out of the kiss and I look look at him. He looks nervous. "Let me touch you?" He says with his hand on my chest. My unbound chest..

"I'm a guy," I say and he smiles.

"I know, and guys like their nipples messed with," he says and I blush. Slowly I nod and he smiles and kisses my neck and I bite my bottom lip. I dont like being vocal in bed because that's girly. He takes off his shirt and then grabs my shirt about to take it off.

I breath out. This is so embarrassing. He takes off my shirt and I'm about to cover myself but he pins me down and kisses a spot on my neck that makes me let's out a breathy moan. He kisses down my neck and collar bone and then licks my nipple making my body beg for more.

His hands roam my body and I close my eyes. I dont want to see my body. He unbuttons my pants and my stomach does flips. He takes off my pants and looks at my briefs. "You're extremely hot," he says and takes off my underwear. I blush more are open my eyes to see him looking at my face.

"Look in a mirror," I reply and he chuckles and grabs my thighs I blush as watch him kiss my thighs and then goes down to in between my legs. His tongue moves around on me and then goes in me. I moan and arch my back. Why does this feel so much better than anything I've ever experienced?

As he eats me out I squirm and moan uncontrollably. It's only when I finish does he pull away blushing. He pulls I'm my underwear and I take control. With a red face I push him down onto my bed and kiss him. As I kiss him I undo his pants and push them down.

I then do to his hard-on and swirl my tongue around his tip. I then start bobbing my head. When I feel my chest move with me I cover it with my arm as I suck on his dick skillfully. "L- let go of yourself," he says in a moan. I do as he says and continue with the blowjob.

Once he cums in my mouth and I'm done swallowing I look at him. We both are blushing like crazy. "You're amazing, how can you be so hot?" He says and I smile. He thinks I'm hot? Even without my clothes on? Even with bruises?

"I'm not but thank you for thinking that," I say and he kisses me with meaning. After the kiss I get up and put on my white hoodie that has graffiti patterns on it. I get back in bed with him and he holds me.

"You are. Trust me, I know beauty when I see it," he says and I hug him. My feeling for him are so chaotic. He makes my heart flutters and my stomach turn. Hes always on my mind and I might not seem like it but I'm very  attached to him mentally.

I think I'm in love...



Wowz Oli's in L o v e

Josh sksks

Oli trusts him with his body

Josh likes/loves his body ksksks

Last two chapters are long heheh


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