23. the fight

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Josh's pov

Tuesday morning I get one text from Oli and as soon as my phone dings I run to my phone and look at it.

Oli: I'm walking alone today and dont except me to talk to you.. meet me under the benches during 2nd block, if I'm not there sorry :/

Me: okay, how are you feeling?

I dont get a response so I finish getting ready, eat, and then go to school.


When I get to school I see oli talking to a guy with black hair and has bang tattooed on his knuckles. The guy sees me looking and points at me. Oli looks over at me, frowns and then continues to talk to the guy.

I feel a dread in my heart with that. Is he done with me? I walk to first block and sit in my normal spot. After a few minutes Oli comes into the class and sits in his, next to me. He doesn't look at me at all.. the bruise looks worse today.

"Oli.." I whisper.

He shakes his head no and I slump in my seat. The class goes by painfully slow and finally it ends. When I get to the blankets I sit in our spot. Now he just needs to come..

Twenty my pass and I'm loosing hope. I just want things to be okay. I'm watching dirt sadly. Getting boyfriend tured out to be very difficult.. I really like Oli but he just doesn't trust me or something.. Its not hot outside because the sky is covered with gray clouds.

I hear heavy footsteps: Oli's. His boots makes him a very clunky Walker. I look in the direction to see Oli walking up. Hes got his gaze low and he doesn't look happy.  He plops down next to me and leans back into my lap. My legs are crisscrossed so I don't think it's too comfortable but now I have him.

I push hes hair out of his face and he looks at me. He's quiet.. carefully I make him turn his head and I look at the bruise. "How did this happen?" I ask him. He sighs and pouts.

"Maybe we can just stay away from questions.." he mumbles.

I sigh and nod a little. I lean down and kiss him sides because of our positions. When I pull up he still has his eyes closed. "I'm sorry for ignoring you.." he says with a relaxed face.

"Why did you?" I ask. This makes him open his dark green and brown eyes. He looks into my eyes thinking. He hums like he's thinking and the bites his lip.

"Theres more than one reason.. and.. I cant tell you any of them," he tells me and I feel disappointed. He doesn't trust me.. It goes quite for a little while and then we have some small talk and then we go to third block. I wish we had all our classes together.


During lunch I never see Oli so I'm very surprised when he walks into the lunch room. He looks pissed and he doesn't seem to be looking for me or even sees me. He goes to Kelly's table and whispers something to her and walks out.

Kelly gets up and leaves trying to catch up with him. I get up and tell my friends I'll be back and follow kelly. They go into the gym and I follow without them seeming me.

"You fucking told- oh my god I cant believe you!" Oli whisper yells at kelly. She frowns. I'm not hiding, they are just too mad to see me standing here.

"You're such a bitch! You think I'm the bad guy but I'm just trying to help!" Kelly yells and oli grabs her shirt pulling her in and saying something. This causes kelly to shove oli to the ground and jump on to of him. Oh my god dont fight!

They start punching so I run over and end up pulling Oli off of her. "Fookin street side whore!" Oli yells. Kelly  gets up and Oli tries to escape to hurt her. She stands there with a stuck up look plastered on her face with hate mixed in.

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