7. feminine

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Josh's pov

Oli is clearly high but maybe if I didn't know I would just think he's tired or something. When we walk into the gym there are girls in short skirt and pompoms. Ooh, this could actually be fun. Me and oli get in the bleachers and sit on the highest ones.

"Okay, tay is that girl but she's dating that girl. Her name is jenna. That's Vic, he's really only in cheer because of that girl," she says and I look at a black haired girl. She's pretty- "that girl is fucking nuts. I know she's hot but Nah. Not worth it," he whispers as he's talking so I know none of them can hear. We could talk in normal voice and I doubt anyone will hear.

"The redhead is dani but you probably won't be able to get with her either because she likes Vic," he says and I know he knows all the drama in this group. "That's Dom he's single but you likes girls right?" He asks.

"Yeah, definitely. I'm straight," I say confidently.

"Okay, um.. okay that girl is single and so is she but I've heard she is a dramatic bitch and the other girl is a cheater.. um, but they are all nice to look at," he mumbles and blushes. I nod and watch them.

"What's the black haired ones name?" I ask because she is the prettiest girl and seems interesting.

"Kelly," he mumbles. As I'm watching them I seen Oli is watching Kelly closely.  Oh? Does he like her and was just trying to throw me off? All he had to do was say so. I wont steal his girl.

"Ten minutes, be back on time or I'll hold practice over," the coach yells. The sweaty girls all scatter but Kelly. She looks at Oli and starts coming over.

"Fuck," he whispers and is about to stand up but kelly pushes him back down and sits on his lap. I scoot back and look at them. Oli looks so done but also scared.

"Miss me?" She asks him and bites her bottom lip.

"N-no, please get off," he says in a high pitched voice. She giggles and puts her lips on his. He stands up making her almost fall down the bleachers but she doesn't. "I. Dont. Fucking. Like. You. Anymore. You're a fucking psycho," he says and she looks like she's going to cry.

What the fuck is going on?

She runs off and Vic chases her. "I'm so fucking done. I'm going home," he says upset.

"What was that? She was very willing, pushy yeah but she's hot," I say and he clinches his jaw. I get up and we leave the gym.

"We dated but she um.. she is a two faces bitch. One hour she's all over me and the next she's telling everyone how horrible I am and she told the entire school that I have OCD. She lives for drama and since I have freak outs she want to be with me so she can gossip about it," he says and wipes his face.

Oh... he has OCD. That what he was acting strange. Wow, she does seem like a bitch. "Hm.. that sucks. How long did it last?" I ask and he frowns a little thinking about it.

"Two months? But we broke up a few times in that time so I bit less," he says.

"So.. you're bisexual? How does that work? I've never talked to a LGBTQ person," I say. My school was very homophobic and so all gay people stayed away from straight people. Honestly I have no problem with it I just have no clue how it all works and I dont know all the terms. Is bi and pan the same?

He laughs a little and looks at me. "Never?" He asks and I nod. "Okay, um, this is a serious question your not going to get weirded out or homophobic on me right?" He asks nervously.

"Its a real question, and nah you seem cool now that you're not insulting me and staying you hate me," I say and he looks down.

"Okay well, I like guys more but girls are hot, They just seem to be more annoying and expect to much. Guys tend to be more understanding and calm about my issues and stuff. So overall I like guys better. But I cant say I'm completely gay because I do like girls," he explains.

I can understand that. I love girls bodies but not their attitudes. But me liking a guy? I can say one is attractive but I've never thought about dating a guy.. ew, I would hate a muscular guy. Gross, okay I'm definitely not bi.

We walk out of the school and I decide I'll skip the rest. We only have two more classes. "Wait- so do you bottom or top?" I ask and his face turns red and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"U-um, that's not something I share," he mumbles.

"Well if you like girls that means you like fuck them so that means you would fuck a guy. But you look feminine so you might take it," I think out loud and he looks mad?

"I'm not feminine," he snaps making me confused. He is feminine. Especially his face, I cant really see his body because of all the clothes but I'm sure he has a feminine body too. Well, besides the tattoos, that's not feminine. I wonder how far it goes down?

"Okay, whatever you say," I say carelessly. I cant blame him for snapping at me. I would be upset if someone called me feminine too.

When we get to mine he mumbles bye before going to his house. I go into my house and go to my room. I wonder if he closed his curtains? I have curtains and I'm pretty sure that's his room that I can see into if I open mine.

A thought invades my mind and I dont know why I thought it. What would Oli look like changing? I think he's covered in tattoos. He has a rose on his neck and 'drop dead' on his knuckles.. so he probably has them under his shirt and pants..

Thoughts of him being fuck from behind pop into my mind and I feel confused. Why is that thought hot? I'm not gay.. right? I never really thought about it all that much. I've never thought about a guy sexually before.

But Oli?

I now think he's a bottom. He wouldn't look right topping. Unless it was a girl, of course he would be dominant then. Well that Kelly chick seemed pretty confident and like she would ride him... so does that mean he's a bottom?

My face heats up as I think of this. What the fuck is wrong with me. It doesn't matter, I dont like him. Not sexually at least...



Josh is questioning it hhhh

You guys are going to be so surprised with something I have planned...

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