34. kells

85 16 54

Josh's pov

Once we are done eating we get talk about school and simple things that seem important to us. "But Matt ended up like, um, but Jordan- oh god the teacher," he says making hand and body movements explaing the story. Apparently Matt and Jordan got sent to detention because they were high In class and got caught.

I laugh and Oli chuckles a little and drinks more of his drink. "My ribs hurt, I'm going home," he says and I nod. He probably feels bad to.

"Can I come or do you just need alone time?" I ask.

"Maybe later? I need to talk to my mom a little and then take a nap. Plus you skip too much," he says.

"Boy, you skip more than me," I warn and he giggles.

"Well oh well, I'm already failing everything and yeah, it's fine. You on the other hand have good grades so you need to keep it up," he says. I roll my eyes and kiss him.

"I don't agree but okay, I'll text you when I'm out," I say and we get up and hug.

"I'm going to stay here for a moment to think but next block starts soon so if you dont want a tart you should go," he says and then we kiss. I'd love to make out with him but he gets really sensitive and affected by making out. I doubt he would want me to turn him on while hes on his period and as I'm about to leave.


The next day Oli skips school completely. He told me but I still look at his desk hoping to conjure him but it doesn't work. The bell rings for lunch as I walk out the class I decide to go to the bathrooms so I can text oli without my friends trying to spy over my shoulder.

When I walk in I see Kelly fixing her shirt. Kelly goes to the girls bathroom. Panic strikes me but I see the urinals so the panic leaves just as fast as it entered. They look at me and it's so different from yesterday. No makeup, no boobs, no short skirt or crop top. They have on baggy pants and a band tshirt.

"Hey josh, have you seen Oli?" He- she asks. I'm confused. Their voice is a bit deeper than normal.

"He's not feeling good so he stayed home.." I say and he turns to me.

"Do i look like a guy?" Kelly asks.

Oh my god. Do I lie? No? What is the correct answer. I feel like i was sleeping in class and the teacher just asked me a question. "Y-yeash?" I say awkwardly. He pouts and looks in the mirror.

"Do I look better as a girl or a guy?" They ask.

"I'm not sure, I kinda don't know what to say," i say honestly. I don't want to hurt their feelings and i dont know if since she is wearing all guy clothes and in the boys bathroom that means I say/think he or still she.

"He/him, or she I dont care," he says. I say he because that's how he is portraying himself right now.

"Its still kelly or..?"

"Kells? Maybe kellin? I dont know.. I have to go," he says looking a bit upset.

"Okay, bye," I say but he's already gone. If I was closer to him I would go try to see if hes okay but it's not my business. He is a rich boy, his bought friends will happily ask him about it.

Nobody likes his attitude and I cant blame them. Oli's talked about him a little saying how he gets people to trust him and then tells their secrets. But I don't understand why he doesn't mess with Oli as much as other people. They dated, maybe that's a reason.

They've also got in a fight..

I'm not sure, he confuses me.




Words: 666

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