Tell me

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             ---Timeskip after practice---
                               ~No Pov~
Everyone finished cleaning and went to change except Bokuto and Akaashi which was normal for them. But something was different. Akaashis tosses weren't good anymore like something kept him from being good at it, like something distracted his thinking his moves everything was distributed by something and Bokuto wanted to know what it was. He wanted to talk but he couldn't bring himself to say anything, he feared that he might hurt Akaashi with his words.
Even tho Akaashi didn't seem like it he was really sensitive when it came to things that his teammates said. One time someone said something like 'Akaashi you are no good today' Akaashis tosses were messed up that day too. Akaashi wouldn't even dare to look at his teammates when he failed a toss he just looked and the ground at the verge of tears and mumbled an apologize. They never said something like that again because Bokuto let the member who said that run 50 laps around the whole school ground.
So no one even dared to say something harsh to Akaashi. Akaashi wasn't feeling well he didn't sleep the night which showed in his tosses. And he knew that Bokuto would notice.
"Mmmmm... Akaashi can I ask you something?" Bokuto asked sweat tripping down his forehead. (Don't think wrong guys, because I did so just don't)
"Sure what is it Bokuto-san?" He asked with a confused look on his face.
"Why are you so quiet?"
"Wh-What do you mean?" Akaashi was lying and hoped that Bokuto wouldn't notice.
"Akaashi stop lying."
"I'm not lying" Akaashi answered this time it didn't sound like he was lying.
"Tell me." Bokuto was now in front of him and Akaashi slowly backed away until he hit the wall.
"Akaashi. Tell.Me."
Akaashi knew that lying to him wouldn't help. He stayed quiet. He was thinking about telling him the truth he was about to tell him when suddenly his phone rang. It was his so named 'Mother'.
He froze and looked Bokuto in the eyes. Bokuto nodded and Akaashi picked up.

I'm going to help you ||Bokuaka|| 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒑𝒔𝒆𝒅Where stories live. Discover now