The wedding

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They had just fallen asleep in their when Akaashi felt something pressing in front of him.
He opened one eye only to see Aika trying to push between them, he moved a bit back so she could fit between them.

She made herself comfortable and fell asleep so did Akaashi.
"Where's Aika?"
"He-Wait", Akaashi sat up eyes scanning the room.
"Shitt",they both stood up walking around in the house.
Akaashi froze in his place when he heard sounds in the garden.

He quickly ran outside to find Konoha, Komi, Sarukui, Yukie and Kaori playing volleyball with Aika.
"Kō! Found her!"
Bokuto came running and his eyes widened when he saw their friends.
"Just how did you get in here?", Akaashi asked.
"I let them in!", Aika said smiling.
"Aika-chan. You can't just let people inside that you don't know"
"But they had played with you in volleyball and they are on many of the pictures in the house and you said you were friends"
"Yea but still-"
"Kō, you literally told her that it's okay to let in our friends"
"Jeez fine sorry..."

---Bigggg Timeskip brought to you by Iwa-chan's buff arms---

"Kō, your tie"
"Oh, can you?"
"Mh, head up"

Bokuto did as instructed and Akaashi tied hisr tie properly.
"Now, come on let's go", Akaashi said grabbing Bokuto's hand and leading him out of the room waiting for Kenma and Kuroo.
"Let's go", Kuroo's voice sounded.

They all got into the car and Kuroo drove them to the church.
They took their seats Akaashi still holding Bokuto's hand, god was he nervous.
"Kaashi my hand", Bokuto whispered a bit pain behind it.
"Sorry", Akaashi quickly let go of his hand.
"I didn't say you'd need to let go. Just don't hold it so hard", Bokuto chuckled grabbing Akaashi's hand again.
Kiko stepped in wearing a beautiful suit and stood on her spot.

Akaashi felt the tears forming in his eyes, happy tears of course.
Finally Alisa stepped in and everyone went quiet, he saw Lev already crying with Yaku rubbing his back and whipping away the tears running down his cheeks.
The dress was beautiful and she looked absolutely gorgeous and stunning.

The dress was beautiful and she looked absolutely gorgeous and stunning

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(A/N ©yonkoalma on Instagram. I am frickin simping over this)

The boring ceremony was finally over and they all went to the dinning room Akaashi still having tears running down his cheeks and the same went for Lev.

"Hey, come here lil bro",his sister said opening her arms and hugging him.
Lev was also hugging his sister still crying with Yaku giving up on calming him down.
Kenma just kept on hiding behind them and Kuroo just letting him always making sure people kept their distance to Kenma and Akaashi.
"Okay guys I wanted to thank all of you for coming here and I hope you will enjoy this so let's eat since I'm fucking hungry!"

With that people started filling the place around the buffet.
"What do you two want? We will get it for you"
Kenma and Akaashi told them what they wanted thanking them for getting it so they wouldn't need to go near the crowd.
"Where will Bokuto-san be going after graduating?"
"The xxx college they invited him"
"Mh, Kuroo will be doing something with science like the nerd he his"
"Totally sounds like him"

"Your sister is really nice and pretty you two are just the definition of the word beautiful"
"Kenma. Stop that's so embarrassing"
"Not my problem that you can't handle the truth"
"Hey I haven't seem you two around before. What are your names?", a nice voice asked they turned around and were greeted by a familiar face.
"Okay fine you got me you both looked sooo shocked"
"Oh shut up"
"Aka-chan! Ah there you are! Oh nice to see you, Akaashi and Kenma right?"
"Yes and you are?"
"Oh my bad my bad. Saeko Tanaka. Just call me Saeko-nee"
"Aren't you the older sister of the number 5 of Karasuno?"
"Indeed. I was invited by our dear Alisa-chan"
"Well nice to finally meet you"
"Same goes here"
"Here 'kaashi"
"Thanks Kō"

"For you your majesty",Kuroo said placing Kenma's plate in front of him.
"You know I don't know if I should laugh or kill you"
"Go for the second one", Yaku said sitting down next to him with Lev next to him.
"Yakkun! That's not nice"
"Does it look like I care?"
"Definitely not"
"Can we just eat?"

They started eating but not too much wanting to eat more of the cake.
Finally the cake was brought of course Kuroo and Bokuto got their boyfriends their food again.
They had finished their pieces of cake when the dancing started everyone watched the two gorgeous woman dancing and soon the first ones started joining and wow Lev could dance.

Suddenly Akaashi was pulled up to his feet and Bokuto ran towards the dancing space dragging Akaashi with him a big smile on his face.
The day was really nice and fun, the games had started and so did the picture taking which Akaashi kinda took care of.

Kenma soon joined him watching as their boyfriends had the time of their life on the dance floor.
"Akaashi. Did you already do it?", Kenma asked like it was the most normal things.
"Yea, why are you asking?"
"Does it hurt?", Kenma asked taking a sip of his water.
"Dunno go ask Kō"
Kenma spit out his drink after almost choking on it.
"Excuse me? Bokuto is a bottom?"
"What the-"
"Why are you always so shocked about it like, can't we make it normal for the smaller, younger ones etc. Being top?"
"No I was just kinda surprised. Didn't really think so with how you act"

At three am both decided it was time to get their boyfriends home/to the hotel.
Akaashi and Bokuto took a bath together and fell asleep cuddling, the same went for all the others.
That day had been beautiful and nice.

I'm going to help you ||Bokuaka|| 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒑𝒔𝒆𝒅Where stories live. Discover now