Stay with me...

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Finally they arrived at the police station.
"You ready Keiji?"
"Yea... Just stay with me... Please"
"I'm not planning to leave you alone. Don't worry"
"Always 'Kaashi"

They waited and finally got called in an office.

"Hello Akaashi-kun. I'm very sorry for asking you about all those things but I have to. So when did it all start?"
"When I turned 10"
"Who started it?"
"My mother"
"When did they hit you the first time?"
"When I was 11"
"Any reasons for them doing it?"
"I wasn't the child they wanted. I was to quiet for their liking"
"Thank you would you talk to my colleague?"
"Yes" Akaashi was greeted by a younger police officer. They went into the next office.
"Okay. Now Bokuto-san how did you find the whole thing out?"

"Well he was quieter than normal so I asked one of his classmates if he knew something. He told me about some rumors. So me and Akaashi stayed late after practice again. I asked him what happend.  He first kept quiet. I think he was about to talk when his 'mother' called. I listened to it. He answered but was really scared.
After the call he was shaking really much... I took him home with me since he collapsed against me. He told me everything..."
"Okay thank you."
"No problem..."

He was waiting for Akaashi to come back.
"Bokuto-san? Can you come and join us? Akaashi-kun isn't talking to us. I think he's scared."
"Of course!" He got up and followed the police officer. He sat down next to Akaashi and started to rub his hand. It helped. Akaashi answered all questions.

"So sorry to say this but your 'parents' want to talk to you. We aren't allowed to say no since they are your 'parents'... They asked that no one else comes with you... I'm really sorry but we can't do anything against it..."
"Wha-I can't do that alone..." The dark haired setter grabbed Bokutos hoodie. Bokuto was able to see the fear in his eyes.
"Sorry 'kaashi... I and they can't do anything about it... But here." He pulled his hoodie over his head and gave it to Akaashi.
They both knew that the a familiar smell calms down. Akaashi put on Bokutos hoodie. Bokuto ruffled his hair and then pulled the hood on his head.

Akaashi disappeared inside the room.

"So Bokuto-san. We just wanted to ask. How did you two meet and get such a strong bond?"
"It's actually a really funny story."

Bokuto was told to show the new student around. He arrived at the principals office where the student sat.
"Ah good you're here. Akaashi-kun this is Bokuto-kun. Bokuto-kun this is Akaashi-kun our new student. Please show him around"
They left the office.
"Soo 'kaashi. Do you have any idea what club you wanna join?"
"No. And it's Akaashi"
"I know I know. I just think that 'kaashi sounds cool"
"Oh okay."
"So what interests do you have?"
"I enjoy drawing but I do it as a hobby so I won't join the art club."
"Okay any sport you enjoy?"
"I think Volleyball looks pretty cool"
"No way! Join the Volleyball club! I'm the ace and captain! So what position do you like?"
"I think the setters are pretty cool"
"So would you like to be one?"
"If I had the chance yes"
"Well if you want to, you can join the volleyball club... We have no setter so."
"Yea. When is training?"
"At 5am and after school. And sometimes on weekends."
"I will ask my parents..."
"Good! So let me show you around!"
"That's what you are supposed to do Bokuto-san"
"Sorry sorry"
They finished the tour.
"Thank you Bokuto-san. I will try to convince my parents to let me join the club."
"No problem. Hope they agree"
They parted ways.
They met again at lunch.
Bokuto was looking for a place to study for his test when he spotted Akaashi with some girls around him. He was definitely uncomfortable with them being that close.
He made eye contact with Bokuto. His eyes practically screamed for help, even tho his face showed no emotion at all.
"Oi! Back off! Can't you see he's uncomfortable?!" He asked getting closer to the girls.
"Eh~ He isn't he enjoys us being here~"
He knew those girls they were in the same class as him.
Also known as the school sluts.
Every good looking guy was harassed by them.
"Oh really he doesn't look like that"
He pulled the leader of them away from Akaashi since she was pinning him against the wall.
Many people were watching. It was the first time that someone stood up against them.
"Go Bokuto! Show them who's boss!"
"Shut up Konoha!"
They were arguing for 15 minutes till they left.
The rest left too.
"Thank you Bokuto-san..."
"It's fine Akaashi. Someone needed to put them in their place"
"Can I give you something in return?"
"Actually yes. Are you smart?"
"Uh yes??"
"Good. I need to study for that test!"
"I will help as much as I can"
---Flashback end---
"Okay that is a really funny story"
"Yea... Since then we are best friends. And when I found out about that I knew I wanted to help him... Many of our teammates told me that I have a calming presence for Akaashi. So I decided that that was how I would help him. Not with words but with being with him."
"That's interesting. No hate but for me your presence is anything but calming" the police officer laughed.
"Oh I get that a lot" they both laughed until their was some shouting inside and something falling over.
"YOU DESERVED IT!" again there was a thud and then another police officer went out looking really concerned and angry. He pulled Akaashis 'mother' behind him.
The police officer that Bokuto talked to opened the door for Bokuto. He stormed inside immediately.

Akaashi was shaking again. He was on his knees.
"Keiji" he sat down next to him. He pulled Akaashi onto his lap so he could hide his face in Bokutos chest. Bokuto stroke his head and back. He whispered reassuring things again.
The police officer watched. The other one joined him.
"They are cute together."
"Yea they sure are. Hope Akaashi-kun will get better soon"
"I think he will since he has Bokuto-kun"

Bokuto asked the police officers to call his mother so she would pick them up.
The ride home was quite since Akaashi fell asleep again.
At home Bokuto snuggled up with him in bed again.

Sorry for not updating. I actually lost much of my motivation... Sorry!
I'm trying to get it back. So bear with me
I made a discord server around Manga and Anime so join if you want too!

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