It worked??

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This part will be Akaashis Pov
Ugh. Being in a hospital sucks... I wonder what Ko has planned... I'm bored... I wanna play volleyball like the others... I can't even have my phone... I hope Ko and the others come soon.
I somehow managed to drift of tho sleep??

"Oi be quite Bokuto he's asleep" Konoha? Yeah that's Konoha. Wait that's Konoha. That has to mean they are here.

Akaashi opened his eyes still sleepy and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"See you woke him up Bokuto!" God they are so loud
"Did not you woke him"
"You woke him!"
"Can you please be a little bit quieter?" Did they even hear me my voice was too quite.
"Akagduidw! Your awake- OW!"
"Your to loud you idiot he just woke up!" Does he even realize that he's loud too?

"How you doing?"
"Good. You Ko?"
"Omg! Ko? You gave him a nickname that's so cute!" So it's only Ko and Konoha...
"You two are too cute I'm gone get a sugar shock."
"Tell him now Bokuto! The police is waiting outside!" Right they wanted to ask me things...

"Okay. Okay listen I told you I had and idea but I wasn't sure if it was going to work right?"
"Well guess what the idea worked out let's hope that the police will agree to it."
"You complete idiot he doesn't even know you idea."
"Really? Oh right I haven't told him."
"Just tell him your idea!"
"Yeez chill. Okay so my idea was--since my family has too much money-- that we could move into the flat we have near the school. My mother bought it for me but wouldn't let me move in she said I'm not capable of taking care of myself. But if you move in with me it would be fine with her." Wait did he really ask me if I am going to move in with him? That would be nice, but do I have to take care of him too?? Please not.

"That sounds really nice do you have something from your mother that will show that I would be allowed to move in with you under her care?"
"Well uhh no?" Really he thinks it will work? That is never going to work.
"I did because I know that Bokuto wouldn't even think about it I asked his mother to but it in his bag." Jesus Konoha is my saviour.

"Oh really?"
"Yes Bo"
"Thanks man"
"Yea yea I just didn't want that Akaashi was going into a foster home. I know how long it takes to find the right one." Right it took him 2 years to find a good one.

"Sir are you finished?"
"Ah yes! Come one Bo give him the paper and say bye." Ko did as he was told and gave me a kiss on my forehead again. How red am I right now?

"Hello Akaashi-san"
"Akaashi-san are you alright? Your face is all red. Do you have a fever?" "Huh? no I'm fine"
"Okay now please answer us all the questions" it felt like eternity till all of their questions were answered.

They told me that my mother was getting arrested and so was my stepdad. They also told me that they don't know what will happen to me.

"Do you have something you need to ask us before we leave?"
"Actually yes I do have a question"
"Then go ahead"
"Okay. Uhh would it be possible for me to move in with my upperclassman? His mother said it would be fine..."
"Can you tell us his name Akaashi-san?"
"His name is Bokuto Kotaro"
"Ah yes the Bokuto family. Do you have something that proves that she is fine with it?"
"Yes here" she took the paper. God please say that it will be fine. Please let me live with him...
"Okay we will give this to the court"
"Thank you"
"Have a good day Akaashi-san we will tell you when we know something new. And you will be released tomorrow. You are allowed to go to the Bokutos."
"Thank you so much bye"

Omg it worked! Maybe I will be allowed to live with him!  Okay calm down Keiji. Wait his mother never met me?? What the??

Knock knock

"Come in?"
"Sorry for interrupting. I'm Bokuto Aoi. I'm Kotaros mother."
"Oh nice to meet you Bokuto-san"
"Oh please just call me Aoi sweetie" She is like a little bit calmer version of Ko. But more likely Ko is the louder version of her.
"Keiji. Akaashi Keiji. Thank you for letting me hopefully move in Kotaro"
"It's fine I'm happy that he also has a more how should I say mature friend? Him and his other friend are really nerve wrecking when they are together. Hmm what was his name again?" Did she ask me or herself?
"I think it is Kuroo Tetsurou that you are speaking of. Kuroo-san and Kotaro are really annoying together."
"Right Kuroo was his name all I know that these two are always being up to some shit when they are together at the training camps. Can you tell me somethings that are happening at the training camps and how you can handle this two together?"

"Gladly. First of all it's not only me who gets them under control. Kuroo-sans boyfriend will get Kuroo-san under control while I get Kotaro under control. Sometimes there will be this really tall middle blocker from Karasuno. His name is Tsukishima Kei. He will roast them until they shut up. It's kind of funny." So we sat there talking for an hour, but sadly visitor hours ended and she had to go.
"Bye Keiji-kun. Thanks for taking care of my son"
"You're welcome Aoi. Bye"

After I ate I drifted off to sleep again. This pain killers are really something.

---Timeskip to when Aoi arrived at home again (No pov)---
"Mom where were you I'm hungry~"
"I was talking with your little boyfriend. He sure is a cutie I can see why you like him. I also thanked him for putting up with your and Kuroos shit."
"MUM!" Kotaros face was now redder than Nekomas jersey.

Okay but like if I wrote and Kyouhaba Omegaverse (without the smut part) would anyone read it?
Thanks to Anime_depression and Vanessa_lucy_Jana for being so nice. (Always gotta love fans ;))

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