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!This part contains child abuse, mentioning of letting someone starve and some cussing! Please don't read it if you aren't comfortable with it.

~No Pov~
Akaashi woke up in a room that wasn't his 'room' if you could even call it room. He also felt something warm at his back and something that kept him from sitting up. He tried to break free from... let's say 'it'. 'It' had a strong grip and he couldn't break free no matter how hard he tried. It was freaking him out-but just a little bit.
"'Kaashi?" Oh that voice and the nickname Akaashi knew who it belonged to.
"Morning Bokuto-san."
Bokuto let go of Akaashi so he could sit up and get his phone. Akaashi took his phone to check the time but when he read the messages he stood up.
"Bokuto-san I'm sorry but I have to leave now..."
"No don't leave me alone Akaaghvihv"
"Sorry but I have to do something's today."
"Aww okay..." (uhh by the way it's Saturday)
Akaashi grabbed his skinny jeans that he somehow kept at Bokutos house? Okay he just forget them when he stayed for the weekend. And he also grabbed a shirt and hoodie from Bokuto-because he didn't forget his shirt or something like that at Bokutos house-he walked out of Bokutos room and walked to the bathroom. When he finished changing and was in Bokutos room again he grabbed his phone and gave Bokuto a kiss on the cheek.
"Th-thanks for letting me stay" Akaashi quickly walked out of Bokutos house. Just thinking about what his parents would do and say to him made him shake and feel like crying. He shoved his hands in his pockets,he pulled up the hood and hid his face in it.
---10 minutes later at Akaashis house---
~pov Akaashi Keiji~
After walking for 10 more minutes I arrived at my house I saw the light was on in the living room which meant that they were waiting for me. I stood in front of the door not wanting to open it. After what felt like eternity I finally opened the door.
(Again this <> is for Akaashis parents talking and this "" is for him talking)
<Oh hello Keiji sweetie...> she smiled but not a warm smile it was a cold smile one that meant nothing but trouble. It was really threatening too.
<How was your night at your 'friends' house?>
"I-it was n-nice..."
<Mind explaining why you didn't come home?>
"I-I had some trouble with the girl you-you two sat up a date with for me..." it wasn't lied completely he did have trouble with her in school but that wasn't the reason why he didn't come home.
<Oh is that so?> she said with a threatening voice.
<Pathetic piece of shit! You ruin everything we needed that money!>
"I-i'm sorry..." I stuttered out looking at the ground. She kicked me down on the ground again. I knew what was going to happen next. She kicked him in the ribcage multiple times before walking away.
<No food for a week! Now go to your room!> she shouted at me.
I tried getting up but I couldn't it hurt I started coughing. Suddenly I saw blood on the floor and tasted some too. I had coughed up blood. I whipped it off with a tissue. I did as I was told walking to my 'bedroom'. It had a small desk at one wall, a picture of the time above it and a futon on the floor. I sat down at my desk starting to do my homework.
<Oi you pathetic piece of shit! I'm out for a week or something like that with your father! I will kill you if you cause any trouble!> Then the door slammed shut.

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