Lucky boyfriend

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"Bro I just don't know how-"
"Just ask him, it can't be that hard"
"Oh yea? Then how come Kenma had to ask you? Mister it's not that hard"
"I-He was just faster than me"
"Keep telling yourself that"
"That's how it was!"
"Whatever just give me Kenma if you can't help me"
"Fine, oi Kenma. Bokuto needs your help"
There was some shuffling and Kenma finally spoke.
"What is it Bokuto?"
"I wanna ask Keiji..."
"Just go for it"
"What if he doesn't want to and says no?"
"He won't, did you get a ring already?"
"Was about to with Konoha tomorrow"
"How about you do it after Nationals?"
"Yeah, yeah I could do that..."
"Perfect then that's your plan, we gonna be there too since I'm still playing and can't handle Lev alone..."
"Thanks again"
"Yeah yeah no problem, we gotta leave tho. Bye"
"Bye, have fun by whatever you're gonna do"

Bokuto ended the call and flopped down on the bed, Akaashi wouldn't be home for another two hours and honestly he hadn't been so bored in a longgg time.
Suddenly he got an idea and jumped up putting on his shoes and leaving his house.

He walked for about five minutes and unlocked the door.
"Oh hey Kōtaro sweetie what's up?"
"Dunno just bored"
"Keiji-kun isn't home yet?"
"Right he's the captain now. Would you mind helping me with this new shelf?"
They started working on it and Bokuto's mother was asking some questions about their life.

"I wanna ask him to marry me soon..."
"That sounds great! Can I help planning?"
"Sure, I don't see why not"
"Did you already pick a ring?"
"Nope, but me and Konoha are going tomorrow"
"Mh, remember that he won't want anything flashy or big"
"Got that in mind"
"Perfect, it's finished. Let's go and watch a movie?"
"Mh, I saw a cool one I wanna watch with you. Keiji didn't like it so we watched something else"
"Sure let's watch it!"

They watched the movie, it was really fun.
Kōtarō got a message from Akaashi saying that practice would take longer since coach was finally back and if he could come later to walk him home.
Bokuto of course agreed right away, he would never let Akaashi walk home alone when it was dark.

After maybe another two hours he left running to the school since he lost track of time.
He arrived to see the first years leaving along with Anahori, who stopped when he passed Bokuto.
"Bokuto-san, Akaashi isn't feeling that well. Please take care of him", he said and followed the first years off the school ground.
"Keiji? What's wrong?", Bokuto asked when he saw Akaashi leaning against the wall hands on his head.
"I can't get them under control, I can't get them to work together. Kō, I'm not a good captain…", Akaashi answered hands falling to his side.
"How can you say that? It's only been two days since it started. Since they joined. Don't expect so much from yourself and them okay? Give them a little bit", Bokuto said pulling Akaashi into a hug.

"No, you are a great captain. It will take a bit of time for them to get along okay?"
"Let's go home okay?"
"Perfect", Bokuto said and grabbed Akaashi's bag and hand and started walking.

At some point, he Akaashi looking around nervously.
"What's wrong?"
"Just feel watched…"
Bokuto looked around and spotted a person looking their way.
He glared at them and continued walking holding Akaashi close.
They finally arrived at home, they walked in and Bokuto realized that the door was unlocked.
The light was on in their bedroom and he saw small shoes next to theirs.

Akaashi took a quick shower and went to make food after he put on the fresh clothes Bokuto brought him.
There were small and quiet food steps and loud ones.
Akaashi turned around not knowing what was going on.
He smiled when he saw who was with Bokuto.
He kneeled down and opened his arms for a hug which the small girl gladly accept tackling him in a hug.
"Wassup Aika", he asked hugging her back.
"Mum and dad left me alone again", she said scowling and pouting.
"Okay, wow. But good that you came here"
"Keiji. The food"
"Just put it on the table, it was ready"

They sat down, eating together.
In the end they were in their big bed, Aika cuddled between them.
Akaashi smiled at Bokuto who gave him a quick kiss and then falling asleep.
Bokuto was still awake watching his boyfriend who he loved so much that he couldn't put it in words and the small girl that was between them, he got a good idea for the future.

When he woke up the next morning Akaashi had already left for practice and Aika was snuggled into his arms.
"Hm?", she stretched and slowly opened her eyes.
"You wanna buy something for Keiji with me and a friend of mine?"
"What and which friend?"
"A ring and the friend is Akinori"
"Why a ring?"
"You know…I wanna ask him to marry me"
"Really??!!", Aika asked eyes sparkling.
"Yes really. Also should I tell you something else?"
"What is it?"
"You know…", he leaned forward and whispered something into her ear.
"I WOULD LOVE THAT!", Aika yelled eyes sparkling even more.
"I know, come on we gotta get ready"

They both changed and quickly ate breakfast leaving the house and walking towards the train station where Konoha was already waiting.
"Oh, Aika! Nice to see you"
"Mh, are we going now or what?"
"Salty, but yes we will go now", Bokuto answered grabbing her hand so they don't lose her.
The train ride was short and finally they were in the shopping centre.
"Can we get ice cream?"
"Sure, on you Bo", Konoha answered.
"Konoha I swear"

They took a longggg time to choose a ring.
"Your girlfriend sure is lucky", the cashier said smiling at Bokuto.
"Actually it's his boyfriend", Aika said smiling back at her.
"Oh I'm sorry. A lucky boyfriend then. Also here sweetie a popsicle for you"
"Thank you!"

A/N did I mention that the story is over in a few chapters?

I'm going to help you ||Bokuaka|| 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒑𝒔𝒆𝒅Where stories live. Discover now