Volleyball game

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After they bought the ring Aika begged Bokuto to buy her a dress that she saw, of course Bokuto bought it for her since he never was able to say no to her.
"Can we pick up Keiji-nii?",she asked on the train ride home.
"Hm? Sure"
"Sorry guys but I can't it's my cousin's birthday"
"Nah that's fine. Tell him I said hi"
"Will do, I have to get off now. Bye",Konoha gave one last wave before getting off the train.
Aika and Bokuto still had a few stations to take.
When they finally got off the train, they stopped to get some Takeout so Akaashi wouldn't need to cook.
"Where do we have to go now?"
"The school"
They made their way to the school and then waited outside, the first first years came out of the gym.
"Oh, hello Bokuto-san"
"Is Keiji finished?"
"He's just scolding two players"
"Oh", Bokuto almost shivered at the thought of getting scolded by Akaashi.
That shit was scary, he got scolded once and never did anything like that again.
So they waited outside, after a few minutes the two first years came out, looking like they will start crying soon.
Just after they disappeared in the clubroom Akaashi came out and slammed the gym door shut.
"Kaashi. Calm down, the poor door did nothing wrong"
Akaashi almost dropped his water bottle when Bokuto spoke.
"Jesus Christ, don't scare me like that, also hey Aika"
"You scold me but are sweet to her?"
"Shut up"
"Kaashi I'm hurt"
"Come on stop acting like a baby", Akaashi said with a giggle kissing Bokuto's cheek.
"I'm still hurt, but let's get home. We bought some take out"
"Yeah let's get home I'm hungry and thanks for buying something"
"No problem"
The train ride home wasn't long and soon they were sitting at the table and were eating the Onigiris that Aika and Bokuto bought.
"Are you home alone again?"
"Mh, I can stay here again right?"
"Of course you can"
"Yay, can I sleep in the big bed with you again?"
"Yeah sure"
"But it's bed time for you now"
"But I don't wanna"
"Nope, it's bed time now"
"That doesn't work on me Aika", Akaashi said laughing a bit.
"Pleaseee I'm not tired yet"
"Your eyes say otherwise. Come on get ready for bed"
"Fine", Aika turned around and walked into the bathroom pouting.
"She totally copied that from you"
"I'mma get ready for bed too. You also going to sleep?"
"Yeah, I'm tired"
"Then get your ass into the bathroom"
"Yeah yeah"
They joined Aika in the bathroom also brushing their teeth and then changing into pajamas.
They laid down in the bed Aika between them back turned to Bokuto and head on Akaashi's arm.
Bokuto softly stroke her hair until she fell asleep before giving Akaashi a small kiss on the mouth, then nose, then his forehead, then his left cheek and then he brushed the hair out of his face.
"Your beautiful you know that?"
"You tell me that everyday"
"Do you believe it?"
"Of course I do"
"Good, I hope you know that I'll never lie about that"
"I know, you are also beautiful"
"Kaashi don't say that"
"Why not? I mean it"
"But you're making me flustered"
"That's the plan"
"Can you stop flirting I'm trying to sleep"
"Sorry Aika-chan"
Akaashi gave Bokuto one last kiss before closing his eyes and slowly falling asleep.
Bokuto watched him a bit before also falling asleep.
The next morning Aika woke him up.
"Aika? Where's Keiji?"
"School he called and told me to wake you up"
"Thanks, I have a volleyball game today. You wanna come with me?"
"Perfect come on get ready"
And so they left the house together, they took the bus and then the train until they were in front of a big gym.
"Come on get in"
Aika nodded and stepped inside with Bokuto and was greeted with an interesting sight.
Oikawa on his knees with Iwa's hand in his hair holding him down.
"What did you just say to me?"
"That you are short-"
"And what did I tell you not to say to me"
"That you are short"
"And what did you do?"
"I told you that you are short"
"Exactly! Fucking idiot"
"Come on Iwaizumi you know how stupid he is"
"You also come here Kuroo"
"Why not"
"You are going to hurt me"
"I don't care get your ass here"
"Kuroo if you don't get over there I'll kick your fucking ass"
"Jeez demon senpai much"
"Oh hell yes now get to Iwaizumi"
"Hm? Oh hi Aika-chan"
"How is my favourite lil blocker?"
"Aika-chan? Oh the small girl you two told us about"
"Aika meet my teammates. You already know Kuroo and Yaku. That over there is Iwaizumi and the one on his knees is Oikawa his boyfriend. That over there is Tendō and that is Aran. And that is Kita-san and the girl is Yukie she's our manager!"
"Bokuto no need to shout jeez it's like 8am"
"Stop being so grumpy Yukie"
"Stop being so loud Bokuto. The same goes for Kuroo and Tendō"
About and hour later the game started and Aika was watching next to Yukie.
They won and all of them gave Aims a big hug after showering and putting on new clothes.
"Bo! Akaashi is calling you"
"Can you pick up for me?"
"Yeah. Yes Aika-chan is with us and yes I'll wack him on the head for not informing you"
As soon as Bokuto came back Yaku kicked him in the hollow of his knee and then wacked his head.
"Ow what the hell Yaku!"
"That's for not telling Akaashi that you took Aika with you"
Bokuto packed his stuff and then he and Aika left.
He had to listen to a lecture when they got home.
What made the lecture even worse was that Akaashi wasn't even looking at him but was making food.
When Aika was sleeping the two were cuddling on the couch and Akaashi praised him for making sure the team won the game when they finished watching the game.

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