Matching outfit

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So uhh sorry for not updating.
       !Info for the story they have a two week break!                       

                ---Next day---(also this is Bokutos Pov)
"HeY hEy HeY! Akasskngfg!" Finally he is allowed to leave the hospital. I'm of course here to pick him up!

"Hey Ko. Can you be quite? Here are other peole too you know." Did he just giggle at me?
Le gasp "How dare you to giggle at me Keiji!"
"Be quite Ko!"
"Sorry sorry" yeez being quite is super hard. I'm too excited.
"I know you're excited so let's get out of here."
"Yosha!" Ouch he hit me... on my head.
Okay how am I supposed to tell him that my mother already got his and my stuff inside our house and gave us money, much money to go shopping?

"Ko? What are you thinking about?" He noticed and asked.
"Umm... how can I say it... uhh..." yeez just say it.
"Well the thing is my mother kinda uh... got all your things?"
"She uhh. Kinda moved our things into our new house and uhh... left us money like really much money to go shopping for you?" Please don't think that we are crazy.

"Well uhh.. that is surprising...? But also nice...?"

We're finally at home. The bus ride was really annoying. We also met the policewoman again she said that she thinks that it will work out with us living together.
And that made me and even Keiji happy.
And finally after a long bus ride we finally arrived near our new home.

"I-is it really okay for us to live in it?"
"Yea why do you ask?"
"Well it's really huge and looks really expensive."
"Oh don't worry about the price we have too much money. Not to show off tho" yea my mum us rich but I don't care a out all that money I'm not showing off that I'm rich.
I actually hate those rich brats that will show of with designer clothes. Since I could really think for myself I asked my mother not to buy me expensive stuff. I didn't want people to think I'm a brat.

"It looks really nice"
"Yea I kinda chose it but then my mum was like <I'm not letting you live in that house you'll burn it down> so I never lived inside here."

                                                 No pov
Akaashi and Bokuto walked inside. Akaashi was walking around like a little kid in a toy store. You couldn't blame him everything in the house looked amazing. Akaashi fell in love with the kitchen the second he saw it and the bed we aren't even talking about the bed.

Bokuto had to pull him out of it to show him the rest. The bath had a big shower where the water was coming down like rain. The bathtub was huge it was really luxurious. It was like a whirlpool. Akaashi loved the house.

As lunchtime rolled by Akaashi decided to go and get some groceries for lunch Bokuto of course annoyed him till he was allowed to come with him. So they went out to get groceries. It was really fun because Bokuto would get lost in all the aisles. One time someone recognized him as one of the top aces of Japan and he ran away because the girl wanted his number and was really touchy. He somehow found Akaashi and went to hide behind him. He didn't know what to do but he knew Akaashi knew.

"Um excuse me but could you move? I need to get to my boyfriend"
"Your-your boyfriend? Oh I can't believe it Kotaro you never told me you had a girlfriend. Yeez I thought you'd tell me."
"Well you can't be that important to my boyfriend if he didn't mention me to you"
"Or maybe you aren't i'm enough for him to tell me."
"Oh please I'm really important to him"
"Oh come on I don't want to deal with this shit anymore. Just leave."
"Hmph you don't know how to treat a girl."
"Well it doesn't matter to me."
And with that Akaashi left. The rest of grocery shopping was really boring. Bokuto didn't get lost again. Akaashi finally found all they would need and they were able to leave.

At home Akaashi finally decided what to make. He made spaghetti with tomato sauce.
Let's say Bokuto loved Akaashis food and Akaashi got really flustered by all the compliments.
Bokuto just wouldn't stop asking Akaashi when they would go shopping.

"When are we going shopping?"
"Tomorrow" he finally had enough and just gave in.
"Well I'm going to take a shower now. And don't do anything stupid will I'm showering . Understood Ko?"
"Hai hai. Won't do anything stupid"
And with that Akaashi went of to shower.
When he came back down Bokuto almost got a nosebleed. Akaashi was wearing a some loose shorts and an oversized shirt of Bokuto.

"Are you staying awake or are you also going to sleep now?"
"Uh-I will also go to sleep now."
Both of them made their way upstairs to the bedroom were Akaashi let himself fall down onto the bed closing his eyes and snuggling under the covers. Bokuto quickly changed into shorts and a shirt. He layed down next to Akaashi and quickly fell asleep like Akaashi. 

                                               Next morning
"-ji. Keiji wake up it's 11 o'clock. Wake up."
"No leme sleep."
"No get up you said we will go shopping today"
Akaashi was always wondering if that really was an upper class man or just a child.
"Fine I will get up." Akaashi stretched and stood up. He went to the closet to get some clothes for the day. He picked some black slightly ripped jeans and an oversized hoodie (which definitely isn't stolen from Bokuto)

He went to the bathroom to change and then came back. He made some breakfast and finally they left the house.
Shopping wasn't anything special. Just Akaashi picking out clothes for him (and Bokuto).
Bokuto fooling around.
But Bokuto found them a matching outfit while fooling around.
The outfit was a black and with cap. A blue jacket with a little bit black. A white shirt and a black jeans.
They bought that outfit and decided to wear it next time they were going out with friends (I basically tried to describe the picture. And failed again xD)
And so they ended up having dinner at McDonald's. And a long bus ride home. 

In the end they fell asleep on the sofa cuddling.

Okay but like Bokuaka is like one of the cutest ships ever and if Bokuto graduates in the anime I will cry same goes for all the other third years. But the saddest thing is the ships that will get torn apart like Kuroken, Bokuaka, Asanoya, Kiyoyachi and Iwaoi. I wanna cry just thinking about it.

I'm going to help you ||Bokuaka|| 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒑𝒔𝒆𝒅Where stories live. Discover now