It all started when...

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              ~Pov Bokuto Kotaro~
He was scared wasn't he? Of me? Why did he go? He fears something... Is it my fault? Is all of this my fault is he scared of me? Did I scare him? Am I the thing he fears? The thing that scares him?

Ring ring
                  ~No Pov~
Bokutos thoughts were interrupted by his phone. He looked at his phone to see who was calling him.
It was an unknown number?
He picked up. (Bokuto speaking "" other person <>)
"Hello?" Bokuto asked his curiosity wanted to know who was calling and why.
<Uh am I speaking with Bokuto Kotaro?> the voice asked it sounded like a woman.
"Yes. And you are?"
<Oh I'm sorry. My name is Aoi Mitsuba. I'm calling from the xxx hospital.>
"The hospital? Why?"
<We got a new patient and we were told to call a Bokuto Kotaro, you are also saved as his emergency contact.>
"And who is the patient??" He had a bad idea who it could be.
<Akaashi Keiji>
"What happened to him?!" He stood up and began to search for clothes to wear.
<He collapsed because of blood loss, dehydration and starving.>
"I will be right over"
<Thanks he already asked for you.>
"Bye." He ended the call and put on his clothes not even thinking about his hair which wasn't spiked up anymore.

He ran downstairs and put on his shoes.
<Kotaro where are you going?>
"The hospital"
<why the hospital are you feeling sick?>
"No it's something else."
<Okay but text me when you arrived okay? And when your back I wanna know why you had to go>
"Thanks mom will do."
With that he stormed outside.
He ran as fast as he could he just got to the bus stop in time. He got on the bus and payed for the ticket.
<Oya oya? Brokuto?> a voice called from behind him.
"Bro? What are you doing here?"
<Well I'm on my way to my uncle's birthday party. You? You looked stressed.And your hair isn't styled. So what's wrong?> Kuroo asked clearly worried for his best bro.
The stop for the hospital came in sight.
"Sorry bro I will text you later." He ran out of the bus into the hospital.
What is he doing at the hospital so stressed and worried? Kuroo asked himself.
"Bokuto Kotaro my name."
<Oh yes thank you for coming so fast. Akaashi-sans room is 203.>
"Thank you" he made his way to the elevator. Unfortunately he knew this hospital to good his father had been in here for a month.
He got out of the elevator and walked to room 203.
He softly knocked. No answer but he still went in.
"Hey Keiji"
"Ko?" This was the first time ever that Akaashi gave him a nickname.
"Why didn't you tell me. You have to eat Keiji."
Bokuto sat down on the chair. He looked  Akaashi in the eyes. Akaashi had the feeling that Bokuto could look right through his facade that he built up over many years.
"So tell me what is going on at your home." Bokuto looked like he would start crying soon.
"I can't..."
"You have to" Bokuto took Akaashis hand in his own hand and rubbed circles on it.
"Please tell me Keiji from the beginning..."
"Okay... It all started when..."

HeY hEy HeY we all love cliff hangers right? So if I started a oneshot book would you read it? Like with songfics, fluff, angst etc.? I would take ship requests but no lemons/smuts. You could write a ship in the comments and I would write a story for it. You could also pick if you want fluff,angst etc.

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