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"Hey boys! How are you doing??" Bokutos mother walked in. She got no response.
"Kotaro Keiji?" She walked over to the living room only to see them asleep together.
"Awww~ So cute~" she quickly took a picture. She knew Akaashi was a heavy sleeper, so she decided to wake up Bokuto.
"Hey Kotaro. Go to your bed okay? The sofa isn't the best place."
"Ya will do thanks mom." She left when Bokuto was up the stairs and out of sight.

Bokuto laid down Akaashi on the bed laying down next to him, cuddling him.

When Akaashi woke up he had this warm feeling under him.
                             Pov Akaashi
It feels warm and relaxing I wouldn't mind falling asleep again. Something is stroking my hair it's nice. I will just sleep aga- Wait... What the?! Please don't tell me I'm laying on Ko again...
"Oh morning 'Kaashi. Did I wake you up?" Oh god I'm laying on him again. That is so embarrassing. I always had this habit if something or someone I would always cuddle it. Ah I hate this habit!
"'Kaashi? Are you sick your kinda red..."
"Huh-Ah yea I'm fine" Shit this is so embarrassing. Please tell me this a dream.
                                No Pov
Akaashi stood up and muttered a small 'sorry' and left a confused Bokuto behind. Bokuto didn't understand why Akaashi was apologizing. Not long after Akaashi called him down for breakfast.

          ------Timeskip brought to you by Daichis thighs-----
Today was the first day of school. The break was (sadly) over. Akaashi was allowed to go but Bokuto was told to look after him in school. They feared that something could happen that will trigger something in Akaashi so he gets a panic attack. So Bokuto was allowed to leave class five minutes before everyone else so he could go and wait for Akaashi so nothing will happen in the breaks.
Bokuto was sitting in his English class when there was a announcement.
"Bokuto Kotaro please come to room 213. I repeat Bokuto Kotaro please come to room 213."
He was just as confused as his teacher and classmates. Then it hit him (Like a truck). Akaashi. He ran out of the classroom and down to room 213.
He accidentally ran into a classmate of Akaashi. The whole class of Akaashi was outside.
He almost ran down the door.
"Thank goodness that your here. He won't let me touch him. I can't calm him down. And when I asked him what's wrong he said your name so I asked you here."
"Thanks would you mind leaving us alone for a bit?"
"No no. I will be outside if you need me." The nurse left.
"Hey Keiji."
"Ko!" Akaashi was looking him straight in the eyes. He didn't break the eye contact even when he started crying.
"Hey it's okay. I'm here now. No one will hurt you okay?" Akaashi nodded.
"I-I know...I know that the nurse just wanted to help me b-but I got scared. Sh-she reminded me of m-my mother..." Akaashis voice was just above a whisper.
"It's okay to be scared okay? She said that it's fine. She isn't mad at you okay? I think she regrets not getting me when she got here okay?"
He nodded.
"Ca-can I have a hug...?" Akaashi asked his voice still quite, but he stopped crying.
"Sure come here" Bokuto pulled Akaashi into a warm and relaxing hug.
"Better now Keiji?"
"Yea... Thanks."
"Do you think you can stay in school?"
"No... at least not when your not with me..."
"Okay come on let's talk to your teacher and the nurse."
"Okay..." Akaashi was shaking again he was nervous. He was afraid that he would get laughed at or he would get sharp comments.

Bokuto realized that Akaashi was scared of going out. So he decided to grab his hand and place him behind him.
Like that he went out. He talked to the nurse and Akaashis teacher. Akaashi didn't know what they were talking about, he was shutting out all noises.
When Bokuto finished speaking he gave Akaashis hand a squeez. Like to say 'you have to listen now.'

"So Akaashi-kun. It's okay for you to leave. There won't be a problem since you're a smart student. Bokuto-kun is also allowed to go since his grades are also getting better." Akaashi nodded not making eye contact with anyone.
When they finally reached the school gates Bokuto was still holding Akaashis hand.
"So will you tell me what happened when we are at home? Also we need to go to volleyball practice okay?"
"Come on where is the happy Akaashi that I had until yesterday?"
"Probably at home in the bed sleeping" Bokuto had to laugh at that salty comment.
"You definitely talked to much with Saltyshima. I ban you from talking with Saltyshima."
"You can't do that! It's one of the few opportunities of having a smart conversation!"
"Sorry. Sorry didn't mean to."
Bokuto pouted.
"Ko~ please don't ignore me~"
"You will have to make pizza~"
"Fine~" Bokuto was getting excited. He loveeeddd pizza. Pizza is life~ that's what he told Akaashi after he woke him up for at 3 in the fucking morning. Let's just say Akaashi hit him with a pillow and went back to sleep.

Finally they were back at home. The thing in school was already forgotten, but Akaashi was still a bit tensed up. Bokuto of course didn't let go of his hand. When someone was looking at them Bokuto would get a little bit closer and softly squeeze his hand. Akaashi was happy that Bokuto cared. He was happy that Bokuto was his friend that Bokuto cared about him. That he loved him (he meant it in the friendship way)

"Now where is my pizza~?"
"Ko we came home like two minutes ago??"
"Well were is it?" He asked and both of them tried not to laugh.
"20 minutes. Give me 20 minutes then it's finished." Akaashi answered while trying not to die while laughing.

After 19 minutes the pizza was finished.
"Ko! Food is ready!" Akaashi yelled at Bokuto who was watching a owl documentary.
"Huh- but I still have one minute left."
"Ko I swear I will eat the whole pizza alone. If you don't get your ass here."
"Sorry sorry please let me eat something."

After eating they ended up on the sofa, watching an owl documentary. Well Akaashi was on the sofa and Bokuto on the floor in front of him. Akaashi rested his head on Bokutos. He was thinking about nothing literally nothing. He wasn't even watching the documentary. He fell asleep again.
Bokuto didn't mind it but carried Akaashi upstairs when there was a pause for adds.
Bokuto always thought it was cute how Akaashi could fall asleep when he was with him. Again Bokuto started to question his sexuality because of how cute and hot Akaashi looked.

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