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Bokuto was awake after Akaashi?
Bokuto was a bit confused since he woke up before Akaashi when it wasn't a school day.
"In the kitchen!"
"Why are you awake?"
"Couldn't sleep anymore"
"Oh. So what is for breakfast?"
"Just some eggs and toast"
"Okay. So what are we doing today?"
"I have to go to the police to make a statement against my parents..."
"Wait-Am I allowed to come as moral support?"
"I think?? Yes?"
"Good then take me with you!"
"I was actually going to ask you..."
"No problem! So when are we going?"
"After breakfast"
"K. So thanks for always making food"
"I'm just repaying for me staying here. It was also a request of your mother. Since you never eat proper food."
"Agaashi! You can't say that! That's mean!"
"It's true! Nobody has ever seen you with proper food"
"Fine maybe it is true"
"See everything is fine."

They sat down and began to eat in silence, not a unconformable one no no a nice one.
Bokuto finished first.
"I'm going to take a shower"
"Please do"
Bokuto made a small 'hmph' noise at Akaashis comment which caused Akaashi to giggle.
Bokuto was almost at the bathroom but he still heard it and was getting red. 'he really is from heaven' was all he thought.
He always blushed when Akaashi giggled, smiled or laughed.
His thoughts at that moments were always something like ' he's an angel' 'If I die it's because off him' 'too cute'
He decided to take a cold shower since he got some not so innocent thoughts.

"Kō! You finished?!"
"Coming!" Bokuto came down again.
"I'm going to shower now"
"Okay" Akaashi left to the bathroom.
"Guess I'm gonna watch some TV" he mumbled to himself.
He started an episode when the doorbell rang.
"Really?" He asked slightly annoyed.

He opened the door.
"Is Akaashi here?" A woman asked.
"Uhh. Who are you?"
"That doesn't matter right now"
"I will tell you if you tell me who you are"
"Like I said it doesn't matter"
"Okay. Then bye" he wanted to close the door but the girl had her feet in the way.
"I forgot to get a new shirt and hoodie can you bring me one?!"
"Sure give me a second!"
"So he is here?"
"Yes now leave. I know that your probably one of his parents friends and are here to take him with you"
"You got it right."
"Good now you can leave"
"Oh please I'm here to take him with me. Just like you said"
"Well I won't let that happen so leave"
"Sorry I have to get rid of someone!"
"Okay I'm gonna get my shirt and hoodie by myself go and get rid of that person!"
"Just so you know I will fucking call the police of you don't leave"
"Fine" she left but Bokuto knew she would come back for Akaashi.

"Let's go Kō"
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you"
"It's fine. You're just so quiet while walking."
"Well not everyone is walking like an elephant"
"Agaashi! Don't be mean!"
"Sorry sorry"
"Are you moody today? Or just extra salty"
"Dunno maybe both"
"Wow okay so you're moody and salt?"
"That's literally the same as the thing you said a few seconds ago, you moron"
"Ouch. Agaashi I'm hurt" he played like he was offended.
"Drop the act Kō"
"Jeez sorry"
"You better be"
'Just like Tsukki-boo'

They were currently walking to the police station. Akaashi not that confident anymore. Okay that's underrated. He had no confidence left. He was walking with his shoulder against Bokutos. He was also holding Bokutos hand.
Bokuto knew that Akaashi was scared. He gave his hand light squeezes to let him know that he was still next to him.

"Hey I need to use the toilet really quick. Wait here" Bokuto said as they were near a bathroom.
"Okay" Bokuto left Akaashi standing under a tree were no one was standing right now and Akaashi could see the doors. He picked that place because Akaashi feared that he was going to leave. That were what many of Akaashis nightmares were about, people he trusted leaving.

"Hey cutie how are you?" Just now Akaashi saw the man that was standing really near to him, definitely intruding his personal space.
"Could you maybe move a bit? Please..." He asked a little bit scared.
"Oh no no. You would probably walk away"
"Please leave me some space..."
"Like I said no."
Akaashi was trying his best not to start shaking.

                            --Near them--
"So Kenma-"
"Kuroo! Isn't that Akaashi? He looks scared can you see more?"
"Yea. Shit come on Yaku!" Kuroo started running with Yaku on his heal.

"Give me some space! And don't touch me!"
The man was getting pissed. He grabbed Akaashis wrist. He leaned in and was about to kiss Akaashi. But instead he felt nothing but pain in his arm.
"Thank god your okay Akaashi. Where's Bo?"
"Keiji!" Bokuto came running looking really really worried and guilty.

"So what do you think your doing?" Yaku asked obviously pissed.
"Kissing that cutie of course. Your kinda cute too"
The guy was scared of Yaku. He never thought someone so short could be so strong. (I would also be low-key scared of him)
"Akaashi are you okay?" He turned around, obviously worried and concerned.
(#mom mod™)
"Sorry Keiji... It's my fault... I shouldn't have left you here..."
"It's not your fault..."
Akaashi calmed down after being hugged for two minutes straight (more like gay) and Bokuto whispering things like 'you're good now' 'we are here' 'you aren't alone'

He was still in front of Bokuto his face hidden in his hoodie.
"Okay but what brings you two here?"
"Oh we are here with our class. Bro"
"Oh thanks for helping."
"No problem Bro. You know I think of Akaashi as a brother so I feel like protecting him. And Yaku is just a mom"
The last thing earned him a pretty hard kick.
"Yaku-kun! Kuroo-kun!"
"Oh shit our teacher."
"Right we left without telling her"
"Over here Sensei!"
"You two. I swear you can't just leave! I hope you have a good reason, since you are pretty reliable."
"Excuse me miss they have"
"Oh Bokuto-kun right?"
"Yes ma'am."
"So you two mind explaining?"

They explained the situation and reason. They got praised. Nothing more.
"Have a good day you two"
"Right bye bro. Bye Akaashi"
"Bye get better soon!" They left waving over their shoulders.
"So let's get to that fucking police station"
Bokuto grabbed Akaashis hand again and started walking with Akaashi next to him.

Sorry for not updating. I didn't have the motivation. Also sorry for making the chapter angsty again. I just can't go without some angst.
Also how should Bokuto confess to Akaashi? I can't decide. Like will he ask him for a date, just kiss him or confess like like saying 'I love you'

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