I have an idea

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Okay I wanna try a new writing style please tell me if you like the old or the new one more. This will be Bokutos pov unless I say something else.

"It all started when..." Keiji looks really scared and sad... I don't wanna see him like that...
"My father he didn't want me. He said I'm different. I'm not normal. I'm not a real child, because they would laugh and smile all the time... But it was hard to make me laugh or smile... he then got a divorce from my mother saying it was her fault...." wow so his 'dad' right now is his stepdad?

"After that my mother hated me. She worked longer so she didn't need to see me. She was mad because she couldn't buy designer clothes anymore..." Okay I thinks his real 'dad' was rich or something like that.

"She also told me that I'm not normal and that all bad things in our life were my fault. I believed her I mean I was 7 years old. In that age you believe almost everything your parents told you. At first I didn't believe her but she told me everyday so I started to believe her...l" That's so sad...

"I finally got in school I was happy because that meant I had a reason to stay in my room. When I got home I always went straight to my room and did my homework. Then when my mother left for 'work' I bet she was being fucked by some guy. I went downstairs to make food for me and her. I always made food for her too and guess what she always ate it." Wow so he cooked since he was 7...

"School was fun even tho I had no friends. Well I had one but they had to move. So I was left alone again. Nobody talked to me because someone spread the rumour that I killed my father and my friend. I was the teachers favourite so I was allowed to do partnerwork alone. They also knew that I wasn't good at socializing. I was social awkward." He still is a little bit social awkward.

"When I was 13 my mother always came home drunk and on drugs. She would hit me. She would kick me. She hated me but 'loved' me when her friends or someone from work was over. When they asked about the scars,bruises and cuts she said that I was just clumsy. It went on like that until now. When I got in high school she told me to cover my all my scars, bruises and cuts so no one would question them. Because no one would believe the lie I'm just clumsy. She also started to not come home for a week or two. She also kept track of me over my phone. She placed a lock on our door that only opens in the morning when I have to go to training. So I can't even go grocery shopping. So sometimes I eat nothing for two weeks."
Wow it's just sad... I didn't even realize why he never let me come over and always had his phone with him...

"She married my stepdad when I was 14 he also joined her in beating me. She doesn't love him she just wants his money. And my mom has been out of town for 3 weeks which means I haven't eaten in like 2 weeks."
He told me he whole story without crying. Like it's a happy life story or something like that. It is just sad that all of it happened to him and nobody realized...

"So I-it has been like that almost your whole life?"
"Keiji I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I never realized that you were getting thinner and thinner. That you covered your scars... I'm sorry I didn't realize that you needed help..." shit I'm crying...

"Akaashi-san?" A nurse was walking in.
"Sorry for interrupting. I just came to check on you and tell you that the police will come by tomorrow for the survey. Bye. Oh and also Bokuto-san you have to leave in 15 minutes." 15 minutes huh?
"Okay thank you for the information"

After she left I cold hear soft sobbing from beside me.
"Keiji? Hey what's wrong? Your mother and her husband finally get what they deserve."
"I-I know but what will they do with me I don't want to live in a foster home. They would move me away from you and all the others Ko."
Right I didn't think about that...
"I have an idea I will come back tomorrow with the others okay?"
"Your welcome but I have to go before they kick me out" I was kicked out once it wasn't that nice.
"Okay bye Ko."
"Bye." I couldn't leave without kissing his forehead.

                             ---Timeskip to Bokutos house---
"Welcome home young men." Shit is she mad? Today was the day were we played games together and cooked together

"Okay why did you run off to the hospital?"
"Because Akaashi was there."
"What why was Akaashi in the hospital?!"
"I will tell you the story okay? But I want something in return from you."
And then I told her the story that he told me. But I started crying.
So did my mother.
"Kotaro that is so sad..."
"I know..." I hope she will agree...
"Now what do you want in return?" Okay you can do this and she will agree. Right?
"Can Akaashi and I move into our flat near the school? Please... he will have to live in a foster home away from me and the school..."
"Kotaro let me ask you something..."
"What is it?" Please say yes...
"How much do you love him?"
"So much I can't even but it in words..." Just say yes...
"Hmm that's good to hear. You two can move in if the police agrees"
"Yosha! Thanks mom you're the best!"

"But Kotaro"
"Don't ruin his innocence"
"Mum!" I was blushing so hard I think all my blood is in my head and that is not healthy.
"I would never ever do that! Also he isn't that innocent. No matter what you say for him it always sounds wrong. If you make a dirty joke he's the first one that laughs okay?"
"Yeez I was just kidding. In that part he reminds me a lot of Kuroo and Kenma."
"Yea he really does."
We still played two or three games and made food. I texted Kuroo the story and then went to sleep.

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