Don't just don't...

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                                           ~Pov Akaashi Keiji~
I was afraid...
I had the feeling I'm going to collapse...
I'm going to throw up...
I'm going to stop breathing...
I'm shaking...
Stop. Stop.
Please just stop...
                                             ~No Pov~
Akaashi picked up. Bokuto saw his fear. He saw everything in Akaashis eyes.
His fear.
His pain.
His sadness.
His anger.
His happiness.
His fear will take over Bokuto saw it in his eyes.
Akaashi hasn'tt got an answer yet but was already shaking.
<WHERE ARE YOU?! You can't do anything. And you are supposed to be smart! Don't make me laugh! You're just pathetic like your father!>
"Please stop..." it was spoken quiet and filled with fear.
<WHAT DID YOU SAY?! Ugh! You're so stupid! Don't tell me what to do! Pathetic peace of shit!>
And with that the call was ended.
Akaashi was shaking he was sweating. H e was shaking because he was afraid he didn't stop shaking. He had the feeling that he will fall to the ground so he leaned against the wall. Bokuto was thinking he was trying to figure out how he can calm him down.
He took a step towards Akaashi.
"Don't just don't come near me..."
                                    ~Pov Bokuto Kotaro~
Fear and pain.
Fear and pain was all I could see in in his eyes. Every person that has met him told me that his eyes don't show emotions, are dull and boring just like him. But not me I can see emotions in his eyes they are dull but not boring. They look amazing, beautiful just like the ocean or the night sky. He was shaking, shaking a lot. Nothing other than fear and pain. He wouldn't stop shaking it got more worse. His eyes. Oh god... They look so pained.
                                                  ~No Pov~
Bokuto took one more step towards Akaashi.
One more step.
"Don't just don't!"
One step.
"Stop!" Akaashi was holding his arms in front of him to stop Bokuto.
One final step.
"Fucking stay away from me!"
Now Bokuto was right in front of him.
"Fuck stop!"
He shoved Akaashis arm away so he couldn't stop him. Akaashi was fighting it.
"Don't just don't..."
Bokuto was now wrapping his arms around Akaashi and pulled him close. He layed his head on Akaashis shoulder and whispered in his ear "I won't stop until you stop being hurt..."
Akaashi was shocked and didn't hug back at first his eyes were open with shock. After a minute or something he finally hugged back.
"Thank you Kotaro"
Kotaro that name was spoken soft softer than clouds would feel. Bokuto was happy and hugged Akaashi a little bit tighter.
"You're welcome Keiji"
That name was also spoken super soft too.

HeY hEy HeY! How you doing is your school also closed because of the Coronavirus? I have school on Monday again??? But after Monday all schools are closed yay. BUT my school will have online lessons xc.
Bye bye.
Rolling Thunder!

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