Beach day

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A/N eyy finally I got this finished as you noticed my style is a bit different tell me what you think.
This took me soo frickin long so thanks for staying and patiently waiting and giving me ideas UwU

"Wake up", the tall black haired boy said shaking his friends shoulders.
"Huh?", the youngest sat up and rubbed his eyes, "Shit we fell asleep on the couch…"
"Oi. Bo wake up", he continued shaking the black and white haired boy's shoulder.
"Nooo", the boy whined and turned away.
"Let him be, he will come after us as soon as we are in the kitchen", the youngest stated and left with the two other.
And he didn't lie as soon as they stepped into the kitchen there were footsteps.
"Told you", the youngest said.
"Whatever", the black haired boy said and turned to the fridge again looking for something he wants to eat.
"Guys what are we gonna do today? It's our last day here", the smallest asked.
"The beach. It's nice and like no one is there"
"Mh. Let's go to the beach"
The two responsible boys started making breakfast and talking about some trash whilst the two others were doing some stupid shit again.
Breakfast was ready really quick and they finished really quick to excited to visit the beach.
They washed the dishes and went to get their stuff for the beach, packing one big bag and then leaving for the bus stop.
The bus ride was a bit fun Kuroo had almost fallen over when the bus stopped and Bokuto slipped when he got off the bus, Akaashi luckily catched him.
The black and brown haired boys were looking at him in disbelief, just how the hell did that slim boy catch that muscle monster?
"What?", the youngest asked obviously not knowing why they were so shocked.
"Just how did you catch him?"
"Happens often, when I know it's going to happen I can bring up enough strength to catch him", the youngest stated not knowing why it was so shocking.
"You guys coming?", the black and white haired boy yelled already ahead of them.
"Yes!" they jogged to catch up and walked in one line.
The beach was beautiful, the water was clear and no one besides them was there, the sand was soft and the sun was shining onto the water making it shinny.
"Woah", the two boys couldn't believe how beautiful it was.
"Kō! Put your shirt back on! We aren't at the water yet we are still on the streets!", the youngest yelled annoyed at the other's stupidity.
He just heard laughing from the other two who had sped up their pace almost jogging to get to the beach.
"I am so done with all of you", the youngest said even tho he didn't mean it since he laughed too.
They raced each other to the water and quickly took off their shirts and pants so they were left in their swimming trunks.
The youngest could have sworn he felt his soul leave his body when the black and white haired boy took of his shirt, the brown haired boy noticed and shot him a smirk which meant trouble.
He quickly took of his shirt hiding his blush.
He had finally thrown his shirt away when two strong hands grabbed his waist and he was lifted up, his eyes opened wide when he realized what the other was planning.
"Kō. Don't. you. dare", he said in a warning tone.
"Too late", he said throwing Akaashi into the water.
The black haired boy went up and gave him a dangerous glance.
"Shit", the black and white haired boy quickly ran away but was stopped by the tall black haired boy who held him.
"Guess I will take revenge for Akaashi", was all he said before lifting him up and also throwing him into the water.
The two black haired boys gave each other a high five.
The brown haired boy just watched laughing at how stupid they all were, he was secretly planning something tho.
The youngest eyes landed on him and his lips turned into a smirk.
The youngest went towards him, he tried to get away which didn't work and suddenly he was also in the air, held up and thrown into the water.
"You lil Asshole!", he yelled.
"Blah blah. You hadn't joined us"
"I was about to!"
"Mh sure"
"You lil-"
They started to wrestle pushing each other under water for a bit before letting go.
The black and white haired boy was watching it with a soft smile on his lips, he was happy to see the other laughing and just having fun.
"Bro. You gotta confess"
"What the hell no!"
"If you don't I will make sure you two still get together"
At some point they left the water to drink and eat some popsicles that they brought with them, they were sitting in the sun talking about whatever came to their minds.
The brown haired boy had finished his plan and texted it to Kuroo who agreed with it.
At some point they split up the two crazy ones and the two normal ones talking.
Yaku went a step to the left Akaashi completely concentrated on finding an answer to his question not aware of his surroundings.
The black haired boy suddenly pushed his black and white haired friend towards the black haired boy.
He couldn't react fast enough the black and white haired boy fell onto the other tackling him to the ground, their lips crashed together.
Neither of them moved.
The brown haired boy and the other quickly left to give them some privacy.
Suddenly the younger's hands were in the other's hair, they started to move their lips in unison.
No sexual intentions just a sweet first kiss between two boys who had been helplessly in love with each other since they first saw each other.
The two others quickly took some pictures sending them to the pudding head who sent back a thumb up.
The two boys had pulled away to get some air, both of their faces were flushed but they were happy, really fucking happy.
The black haired boy pulled the other down again for another kiss which the other gladly accepted.

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