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A/N I am here writing something fluffy cuz Haikyuu is ending and I can't take it and wanna make you feel better 🥺

Bokuto had already graduated now going to the college nearby, Akaashi was now the team captain and he had turned 18 two weeks before.

They had started practice Akaashi was really fucking nervous many new people signed up and today was the try outs to see who would be allowed to join.

"Akaashi-san, calm down please you aren't alone", Anahori said, he was now in his second year and vice-captain.
"I know still just many new people and all"
"It's fine Akaashi-san, we got your back if they are rude", Anahori said proud to be standing next to his captain.

The door opened and many new faces entered.
They lined up next to each other each one waiting and eyeing Akaashi up and down.
He started fiddling with his fingers again, anxious of what they will think of him.

Anahori slightly hit his hand as a sign to stop it, it worked for a bit only a bit.

"I am Akaashi Keiji, third year and I'm the team captain"
"Anahori Shūichi, I'm a second year and the vice captain. Nice to meet you"
"Now please tell us your name, class and position"

He started writing down the names, trying to remember each of them.
Finally they were stretching and warming up.
When they finished stretching Akaashi gave some orders for the wing spikers.

"Please line up behind each other and hit some tosses of Anahori"
"Please tell me if something about it needs to be changed for you"
They all nodded and lined up, Akaashi was watching them and finally let the middle blockers try blocking the spikers.

They were finished and all lined up looking at Akaashi.

He grew more and more nervous with all of them looking at him hopefully, like they wanted him to give them a start spot right away.
Anahori was taking care of someone who had had a bad landing which meant he wasn't here right now.
He began fiddling with his fingers again, he knew that they were probably red and really sensitive but he couldn't care less.

There was a knock and Akaashi asked one of the first years to look who it was.

"It's some big guy stating he knows you, he looks crazy. I told him to wait for practice to end. He said he wants to help you"
"Give me a second", Akaashi muttered walking to the door and opening it.

"AGAASHI!", an excited Bokuto yelled squeezing him in a hug.
"Kō, let go and what are you doing here?", Akaashi asked pushing his boyfriend of him blushing.
"My class was cancelled, so I decided to help you choose also-Akaashi your fingers. Don't tell me you fiddled with them again"
Akaashi only looked away, feeling guilty for worrying his boyfriend.
"Good thing that I got some finger tape with me", Bokuto said getting it out of his bag and wrapping Akaashi's fingers with it.
"No problem anyways I'm here to help you decide, will you let them play a few practice matches?"
"I mean yea, me and Anahori will be the setters again since there were no new ones"

Akaashi stepped inside with Bokuto and stood in the front again.
"We will play a practice match now! Anahori and I will be the setters for you"
"Who's that guy?", one of the first years asked pointing at Bokuto.
"That's the ace from last year idiot!"
"Shut up!"
"No you shut up!"
They started fighting until Akaashi interrupted them by naming the teams and "accidentally" putting them in the same.

"Kaashi they obviously hate each other why would you put them in the same team?", Bokuto asked clearly confused.
"They remind me of Hinata and Kageyama with their fighting and I think they will be a great duo in a match"
"Makes sense"
"Anyways could you let me go now I have a match to play", Akaashi said poking his arm.
Bokuto quickly let go and shooed him towards the court.

"Okay let's start. You", he said pointing at a first year middle blocker, "here your serve"
"Thank you", he said bowing and making his serve.

The match was three sets long and Anahori's team won.
They all stretched and Akaashi sent home everyone other than Bokuto and Anahori.

"And Bokuto-san?", Anahori asked looking at him he knew why Bokuto was here.
"I would place..."

Finally they decided who would be a starter and went home.

"You know Akaashi, you are a great captain. They all admire and respect you sooo much"
"I love you~"
"I love you too", Akaashi said pulling Bokuto's hand into his own.

At home Bokuto and Akaashi take a nice bath together and Bokuto keeps on rambling about his day in college and how Matsukawa and Hanamaki from Seijoh were on the team too and how many memes they showed him.

"Oh, also Mattsun gave me Oikawa's number for you since he got a new one and couldn't tell you"
"Mh, give to me later"
"Did you know that those two are engaged?"
"Yes, Oikawa-san told me"
"And you didn't tell me???"
"I did, you just forgot Akaashi said flicking the other's forehead.

Finally out of the bathroom and dressed Akaashi started to cook when the doorbell rang.
"I'm getting it!", Bokuto yelled already on his way to the door.

"Hello, is Akaashi here?"
"Yea what do you need from him?"
"Actually I need help from both of you"
"What happened?", Akaashi asked suddenly next to Bokuto.

"Okay so the school sent us, the volleyball club, here as road trip to relax and we kinda lost Hinata"
"How did you lose him?"
"Kageyama said he looked at one thing and suddenly Hinata was gone"
"Sure we will help, it's around here right?"
"Good let's go"
They left searching for Hinata who was found after an hour searching, how mad they all were wasn't even funny anymore.

Kageyama didn't let go of his hand till they arrived at the hotel.

"Kaashi I'm hungry"
"I had just put it in the oven, it will be ready in 20 minutes"
"Perfect!", Bokuto yelled picking up Akaashi and placing him on the kitchen counter.
They had a make out session till their food was ready and we all know what they did after eating.

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